Twitter, for me is smoking hot right now, here's why...
Reason #1
I've just discovered the use of the @ which can reply to people.
Why is this good?
Well, I can actually have a conversation with people.
For example, last week I replied to ThomasPower and got a reply straight away. Wow, I'm communicating with Thomas Power (Mr Ecademy), This got me excited
Reason #2
Every day, you get all sorts of crapola thrust upon you by people trying to flog you stuff, pushing their agenda, etc. Papers, TV, etc. are all doing it.
With twitter you can listen to, watch (or not) stuff from other people of your choice.
It's something different for you to do with your headspace, which is not just following what celeb Z thinks is cool, its what you choose.
Linked with Reason #1 above, I think its easy to get some interaction.
That's my bit off my chest. Now for some twittering.
See me on twitter at: marknhopgood
Next stop hashtags ????
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