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Sunday, 27 September 2009

interest rates at 3% put my savings pot asset at £40k

I was talking with Sue about my passive income from my part time business.
Currently I'm saving and earning £1200 a year as a passive income. But how else could you earn £1200 a year doing nothing?

One way is to put money in a savings account. Currently the  interest rates on offer in the UK are 3%. In order to earn £1200 every year, I'd need to put £40k into a savings account.

So, does this mean that the value of my business is £40k to me?
It does and this means that in the 4 months I've been working on this business, I've accumulated £10k per month.

If a part time business, valued at £40k within 4 months would be of value to you, then contact me and I can give you all the information and advice to start saving and earning today.

1 comment:

Beer and other foods said...

Update now is £446025. However I have just helped someone to £840000 and the current interest rate is 4%