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Thursday, 18 April 2013

when the love vs war battle was won

Looking at Google ngrams - a fascinating site that searches through many books for the occurrance of words in books.

3 searches I did

1. occurrances of love vs war

In 1931 war dominates love and continues to dominate from that time on.

2. zombies vs vampires vs werewolves - and the winner is.

In 1995 zombies overtook werewolves, but vampires have always dominated

Enjoy your own ngrams search.
Post your responses below...

p.s. ipad is a term used in books from the 1800s according to ngrams!

another endorsement of my 'robots' strategy

If you are promoting a business - having a 'robot' to do work for you is another tool in your arsenal that helps you to succeed.

Following on from my post about tools systems and robots, one of my mentors, Eric Worre put a video together talking about the power of using tools, focusing less on wasting time, but making more quality conversations.

It couldn't come at a more perfect time.

Here's the video

Using my online tools, you can connect with more people.
Download my free 18 page e-book now at http://invite4you.com/lazy

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The 1/3 1/3 1/3 rule

I love mentors, they come up with some great info, rules and sayings that I use to my benefit.
So my recent mentor in business building introduced me to a concept which I would like to share with you.
1/3 1/3 1/3
When building a business, be it traditional business, MLM, Community Commerce, Network Marketing, affiliate marketing or online promotion, the best people to prospect are...
Those already in business. Here's why..
1/3 are happy in what they are doing
1/3 are doing ok but are not happy
1/3 are struggling and looking  for a new team / opportunity / mentor
So basically 2/3 of the business owners you contact will actually be looking for something better.
How to contact these people en mass?
Download my ebook at
Let's get started!

3 million dollar tips on growing a business

Here's 3 of my top tips on how to build a business online.

1. How do I engage with my prospects (potential customers)?

That's the word. Engage. This means asking questions. Speaking at a human level. Keep it friendly and be interested in them.

Talk about

Occupation (work - how's the boss?)
Recreation (do you get time for hobbies? What's your favourite activity)
Motivation (what motivates you. What's your priority in life)

If you combine questions with a business system then you do not have to talk business, you can keep things friendly and then using a powerful system you can get a machine to run the business for you.

2. How can I get more results with the limited time I have? Do more with less?
This is where a system comes into place. The Internet is powerful and has a series of software robots that can do much of your work for you. Android phones and apple phones and tablets such as ipad, kindle fire etc. are computers that can have software loaded on them that acts as a robot, doing your work for you. Social media is a set of software robots that will help you to build your business too.

I have accumulated over 60 robots to help me with building my business. Combined with my e-book and guide, this can help you to build your business.

3. Get a set of robots to work for you 
Simply download my book by clicking the red button on the right or directly here.

Where can I get started ? Building an online business or set of robots to build for me?
Just download the book and let's get started

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Thank you Mr Green for the iPad giveaway idea.

STOP Ignoring Angles! – a guest post by Mr.Green! Prologue.

This week I tested a new angle. It bombed, was in the red. However I tried to take a positive out of that campaign, I found the lander had a decent CTR.

So next I tried the same kind of offer, with the same layout lander, but with a different angle. It destroyed, it turned into a $16,000+ day campaign within two days.

Chapter 1 – “The Awakening”. Over the past few weeks I have been coaching Team ASP for The F5 Hunger Games. At the start we were discussing angles, I was very surprised to find that not many people put much focus on angles. What do I mean by a “different angles”?

Lets say you have an iPad giveaway offer, some angles for that are; weekly winner, quiz, survey, or a simple iPad giveaway.

For dating, some angles are; exclusivity, privacy and niche appeal.

Every single offer that uses a pin submit as a form of monetization is leveraging a different angle; ringtones, quizzes, giveaway, battery offer, dating, wallpapers.

The beauty of split testing angles is in most cases you don’t need to redesign a whole new lander around it.

You just need to switch up the copy.

Chapter 2 – “Unfashionable”. After giving feedback to quiet a few campaigns. I’ve noticed some trends. Most affs prioritize their split tests like this: - make a couple of ads. - make one lander/angle. - check results. - split test a different lander titles. - split test lander images. - check results. - make a few more different ads. - check results. - split test call to action buttons on the lander. - check results.

Usually by that point affs would either pack it in because they aren’t profitable, or will be happy that they are profiting and try to spend more.

 I’m not saying that strategy is completely wrong… However a strategy that has worked very well for me goes a little like: - make a few ads. - make one lander/angle. - check results. - If profitable or break even, if losing split test with a different angle. - check results. - make a few more ads.

**Only until I am break even or profitable, I will start changing minor things on my landers. Yes that does mean a more effort off the bat, but the pay days and margins make it all the more worth while.

Chapter 3 – “Resurrecting The Dead”. Thinking up angles don’t only apply to new campaigns. Numerous times I have revived “dead” campaigns by flipping the angle on that shit.

STM guide examples:

Enhance rebill campaign with male perspective died.

Resurrected with female perspective. That started dieing.

Resurrected with scientific twist.

Music quiz ringtones campaign died.

Resurrected with movie and tv show themes.

Daily deal “70% off” campaign died.

Resurrected with focus on low prices instead of discounts.

Pet campaign “Get a dog training job” died.
 Resurrected by focusing on potential wages and not the actual job.

Battery app campaign “Improve your battery life” died.
Resurrected by focusing on not letting peoples batteries die.

I could go all day!

Chapter 4 – “It’s All You”.
Some of you already now this, only a few will act. Don’t excuse yourself from not doing it because you don’t think you are creative. Google is one click away. I’m not writing this for the sake of writing. It’s something that I focus on a lot with my personal campaigns.

I know my Hunger Games crew started to financially see the benefits of taking time to understand and implement different angles. Angles are your friends, but some of you are ignoring them. Learn to love them, and they will love you back and pay you in USDs.

Mark's Marvellous Pancakes - recipe update 2013

Are Mark's Marvellous pancakes the best in the world?

Here's what guests to my home say about them.

"Mark's pancakes are the stuff of legend" Jay

"Yummy" Ned

"Delicious, light and fluffy" Sue

To get a copy of the recipe and free coaching on how to make these perfect pancakes, contact mark directly on mark@hopgood.eu

Friday, 5 April 2013

DDVBB = drinks must be really popular - or are they?

Dear Internet,

Wow, Thank you!

My last post doubled my daily visits to my blog.

Why am I so pleased you may ask?

Double Daily Visitors Build Business

Yes, the more visits to my blog the better.

Here's a piccy about how my max went from 80 something to over 173.

On the computer screen is a firefox browser with my blogger stats showing how I have doubled the visitors to my blog with one post about drinks and network marketing.
Doubling my Daily Visitors to my blog - building business

Now that blog post was about drinks, BUT!

It could have been about anything. 

You see it's more about the PASSION in your writing and actions.

Is it more about your passion?


Here's a few questions

Do you have a blog?
Do you have a webpage?
Do you want more visitors?
Do you have a way of measuring how many visitors to your page and where they come from?
Do you have a business?
Would more visitors to your webpage increase the chances of you doing more business?
Do you have a system to capture details of potential customers?
Are you attracting visitors with a giveaway?

Connect with Team Of Amazing People and download our free e-book on attracting visitors to your site.

Download from the above link now.

[VIDEO] - David ledoux power phrases revisited (MLM Remix 2013)

Whatever your beverage, I like to pour mine in a ceramic mug. Its the smoothness on my lips.

Anyway I was getting carried away there.

Whatever beverage you are promoting be it energy, weight loss or just yum tasty, here's a tip.

You can get your beverage for free. You can make money with your beverage.
You can share with friends and they can get it for free, too!

With any consumable when it runs out, people buy it again and this can generate a long term income. If you currently earn one income or more.

Friends will see you with more energy and excitement.
International Energy - we have drinks or beverages available in UK, Russia, Poland or USA

Oh did I mention there is a free e-book on how to make money with your chosen beverage, whatever it is.
Click on this... http://invite4you.com/lazy and enter your details.

Free drinks, more income, more energy. Don't just do it, live it!

Number 1 tip to double traffic to your blog and make more money online

As the founder of Team Of Amazing People, I get to try out all the latest tips and techniques before passing the good ones on to my team. It's my duty to help others succeed in getting more people to view their blog, which in turn leads to more people joining up. Every blogger in our team has the ability to earn unlimited profit share on our lead capture and email automation systems.

HootSuite Pro - try social media dashboard
So, how do I get more traffic to my blog and automatically gain extra money from their signing up to our system? Well I simply contact more people through social media.

Now I hate being on the computer rather than being with my family, so I use powerful automation tools. Software robots that do stuff for me while I relax.

That's the hidden power of the internet that you can now take advantage of.

Using a powerful tool such as HootSuite, you can automate the sending of messages to all your social networks. Don't scrimp on the free version, it simply doesn't have the features that will enable you to make money.


Get your free trial of HooteSuite pro now and we will help you build your online business by increasing your visitors to your blog.

Join Team Of Amazing People

Get your free trial of HootesuitePro and we will show you how to double your blog visitors and get more money for your online business.

Mark Hopgood is the founder of Team Of Amazing People - a social media profit group. Join the wave of people who have options on how they earn and what they earn. Using the power of the internet.

HootSuite Pro - try social media dashboard HootSuite Pro - Free 30 Day Trial

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Never Lose Photos Again - free trial of unlimited photo and data backup to the cloud

Never Lose Photos Again - unlimited backup storage on the web

Last week I was approached by Laura from a company which offers a unique backup service.

I've lost data (music, documents and photos) before, both at work and home so it was interesting to hear what Laura said about this.

Basically, any folders you choose ( my photos, my music, client work, my website files ) get backed up to the internet in in a secure cloud.

I asked about 2 things. How much (data) and how much (cost). Laura explained to me that the small size ( 1tb ) would cost me £4.99 a month, medium size ( 2tb ) would be £9.99 a month and large ( unlimited ) would be £12.99 a month.

I not only wanted the system but I knew that there were other people I know who could benefit.

I wanted to promote this system so I struck a deal. Laura offered me 50 unlimited accounts that I could offer to anyone in my network who was willing to join their Facebook group. As a result I now have just 48 backup accounts for the reduced price of just £4.99 a month. There is a 7 day free trial available. Of course Sue and I jumped at the chance and set ours up.

This kind of service is ideal for people who can't afford to lose their photos and data.

If you know anyone who would like to take advantage of this offer, grab a free trial by emailing me direct and I will send you the links.
My email is mark@hopgood.eu

Click the link above to connect with me on facebook and send me a message.
I will send you a link to set up your account.
Here's to you enjoying peace of mind when it comes to backing up your photos music videos and data.