Part of my purpose on this planet is to help others. Even better than helping people is answering requests from people who want to learn.
One such person is my friend Wojciech. We have never met in person but we talk daily on the internet. We have become friends and business partners. Wojciech is always daily asking about new ideas and wanting to do the best that he can with his blog ( )
This is inspiring but also the answers I give help to challenge and help me to grow, too.
Wojciech's blog highlights his journey towards a new way of earning money on the internet.
Here's to helping more people. As Bob Proctor says, "He who has the most toys when they die is still dead. It's not what we have but who we become"
Are you focusing on yourself, improving yourself or helping others?
Mark N Hopgood sets out his strategies for success through positive thinking and focused applied skills.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Sunday, 24 February 2013
"I make money online by telling people how I make money" - you can too!
I was recently reading one of my mentor's blogs about making money online.
This is where you use the power of the internet to gather business automatically or semi-automatically. Many people are looking for ways of boosting their income, so when Seth Godin says don't search online for ways or "how to make money online" because you might get a scam page.
I think Seth is right. Really you should look for someone you can trust and connect with. We're talking online earning here so the person you get your information from you must trust - at least a little.
How I have created a level of trust.
1. I don't charge for my information - that's right, even though info is currency (it is the information age after all) I prefer to offer my knowledge free of charge because information is only useful to those who apply it. I don't want to rip people off by selling them something they never use. I only want to work with ambitious people who are willing to work with me. Becoming a business partner if you will.
2. I make my business systems available to my business partners. When it comes to making the decision - i.e. act then I can set them up with excactly the same system that I use. With 2 twists.
3. Firstly I make my system available to my business partners for half the monthly price that I pay for it.
4. Secondly I allow my business partners to resell my system. Allowing them a proven business model for gathering partners of their own.
Using a system like this means that a potential business partner of mine gets to see the entire system and my knowledge up front. Nothing is hidden.
If helping people with a trusted and proven system for generating an income online is for you, make sure you click the red button on the right.
You will be downloading my e-book and reading about the system before deciding to act. If you are not willing to move forward then that's great. We haven't wasted each others' effort or money. The system is powerful in that it allows you to leverage your time.
Once again click the red button or download from
Like us on Facebook:
To your success
This is where you use the power of the internet to gather business automatically or semi-automatically. Many people are looking for ways of boosting their income, so when Seth Godin says don't search online for ways or "how to make money online" because you might get a scam page.
I think Seth is right. Really you should look for someone you can trust and connect with. We're talking online earning here so the person you get your information from you must trust - at least a little.
How I have created a level of trust.
1. I don't charge for my information - that's right, even though info is currency (it is the information age after all) I prefer to offer my knowledge free of charge because information is only useful to those who apply it. I don't want to rip people off by selling them something they never use. I only want to work with ambitious people who are willing to work with me. Becoming a business partner if you will.
2. I make my business systems available to my business partners. When it comes to making the decision - i.e. act then I can set them up with excactly the same system that I use. With 2 twists.
3. Firstly I make my system available to my business partners for half the monthly price that I pay for it.
4. Secondly I allow my business partners to resell my system. Allowing them a proven business model for gathering partners of their own.
Using a system like this means that a potential business partner of mine gets to see the entire system and my knowledge up front. Nothing is hidden.
If helping people with a trusted and proven system for generating an income online is for you, make sure you click the red button on the right.
You will be downloading my e-book and reading about the system before deciding to act. If you are not willing to move forward then that's great. We haven't wasted each others' effort or money. The system is powerful in that it allows you to leverage your time.
Once again click the red button or download from
Like us on Facebook:
To your success
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Only just missed the top 10 position
I received the January report for one of my associate companies and found that I had reached the 11th position.
It would have been better to get in the top 10 but the simple fact was that I wasn't focusing on the rewards, just the daily disciplines.
Here's the photo of my results..
As with all things in life I like to do my best and find that the rewards come from engaging in the activities that the leaders advise.
In addition to this, my daily activity of writing ideas for my blog so that I may blog 3 times a week is generating long lasting income. The leverage from having an online system selling on my behalf is very powerful.
I share the details of my online system openly. Simply click the red button on the right and follow the steps within my e-book to join Team Of Amazing People.
Or contact me: or visit
It would have been better to get in the top 10 but the simple fact was that I wasn't focusing on the rewards, just the daily disciplines.
Here's the photo of my results..
In addition to this, my daily activity of writing ideas for my blog so that I may blog 3 times a week is generating long lasting income. The leverage from having an online system selling on my behalf is very powerful.
I share the details of my online system openly. Simply click the red button on the right and follow the steps within my e-book to join Team Of Amazing People.
Or contact me: or visit
Пожалуйста, прости перевод, если есть ошибки Ищу людей, которые хотят заработать деньги в Интернете
Пожалуйста, прости перевод, если есть ошибки Ищу людей, которые хотят заработать деньги в Интернете. . Я ищу кого-то, кто может соединиться со мной на facebook, так что я могу построить международный бизнес в Интернете с Вами в центре. Вы должны быть в состоянии написать в разговорном стиле, и иметь как минимум 20 минут, чтобы посвятить в день, чтобы деятельность в Интернете.
В свою очередь я поделюсь всей прибыли, полученной и моей системы будут доступны для вас.
Если вы готовы двигаться вперед, пожалуйста, нажмите на красную кнопку и ввести свои данные.
В свою очередь я поделюсь всей прибыли, полученной и моей системы будут доступны для вас.
Если вы готовы двигаться вперед, пожалуйста, нажмите на красную кнопку и ввести свои данные.
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
the secret to success within you. here's how to access it
Our lifestyle by design is such that we can take breaks, sometimes for weeks.
I was sitting on the quayside with Sue today when I asked her if she had ever been here before and she said yes and told me of her friend who had met her years before. The inspiring story
tory is below the photo of Sue.
I came here 3 years ago and met my friend SARAH. She had been moaning about her life and relationship status. After listening to her situation i said.
Sarah, you have been telling me the same story for the last 5 years.
The next time we met, she had turned her life around was pregnant with the child she had always wanted, moved to the house that she had always wanted and signed up to college which she had always wanted to do.
the inspiration i got from that story was that anyone can start on the road to their future rather than staying stuck.
the difference?
deciding then acting
if only more of us decided and acted on a daily basis to improve our lives and axhieve our goals
I was sitting on the quayside with Sue today when I asked her if she had ever been here before and she said yes and told me of her friend who had met her years before. The inspiring story
tory is below the photo of Sue.
I came here 3 years ago and met my friend SARAH. She had been moaning about her life and relationship status. After listening to her situation i said.
Sarah, you have been telling me the same story for the last 5 years.
The next time we met, she had turned her life around was pregnant with the child she had always wanted, moved to the house that she had always wanted and signed up to college which she had always wanted to do.
the inspiration i got from that story was that anyone can start on the road to their future rather than staying stuck.
the difference?
deciding then acting
if only more of us decided and acted on a daily basis to improve our lives and axhieve our goals
Saturday, 16 February 2013
22 pages of Twitter Money Making Power
My quest for the ultimate twitter e-book is on (link below)
Towards the end of last year, Marion, Dave and myself attended Steve Clarke's social media class on how to build your business using Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.
As you can see from my stats page this year month on month I've been getting 1000 hits per month and growing.
Graph showing number of visitors to my blog.
My main challenge was putting all that wonderful knowledge together and sharing with my growing team.
So, if you are wondering how I manage to grow my business and my visitors online
then this Twitter book will be an ideal resource. BUT only if you are willing to follow the steps and link it with your blog.
Twitter Basics for Internet Marketers
Price: $ 9.99
How To Use Twitter In Your Online BusinessLet's face it, Twitter has EXPLODED just lately. Internet marketers and offline companies alike have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon left, right and center - and they can see the massive business potential it provides.
Inside you'll discover:What Twitter isWhy it's so great for internet marketersHow to get started in record timeProfile tweaks that will increase your profitsHow to generate your first 100 or so followers in record timeThe difference between followers and REAL followersHow to sell using TwitterThe costly mistakes you MUST avoidMaking Tweets - the right wayHow to build relationships with your followersHow to maximize your success - the easy way... and much, much more.This 22 page PDF ebook comes with Master Resell Rights.
And for members of Mark N Hopgood's Team Of Amazing People you will also get a mini website allowing you to re-sell the book to your team.
Towards the end of last year, Marion, Dave and myself attended Steve Clarke's social media class on how to build your business using Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.
As you can see from my stats page this year month on month I've been getting 1000 hits per month and growing.
Graph showing number of visitors to my blog.
My main challenge was putting all that wonderful knowledge together and sharing with my growing team.
So, if you are wondering how I manage to grow my business and my visitors online
then this Twitter book will be an ideal resource. BUT only if you are willing to follow the steps and link it with your blog.

Price: $ 9.99
How To Use Twitter In Your Online BusinessLet's face it, Twitter has EXPLODED just lately. Internet marketers and offline companies alike have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon left, right and center - and they can see the massive business potential it provides.
Inside you'll discover:What Twitter isWhy it's so great for internet marketersHow to get started in record timeProfile tweaks that will increase your profitsHow to generate your first 100 or so followers in record timeThe difference between followers and REAL followersHow to sell using TwitterThe costly mistakes you MUST avoidMaking Tweets - the right wayHow to build relationships with your followersHow to maximize your success - the easy way... and much, much more.This 22 page PDF ebook comes with Master Resell Rights.
And for members of Mark N Hopgood's Team Of Amazing People you will also get a mini website allowing you to re-sell the book to your team.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
making every minute count - to your benefit
Yesterday I spent 4 hours in my private university.
I was listening to Bob Proctor on creating what you want in life. I was really motivated and fired up afterwards, so I took action.Now this is how I see the world, an opportunity. Those 4 hours to some people could have been seen as a miserable time stuck in traffic on the way to appointments, but because I have loaded up my AMI ( my car stereo ) with all the motivational and personal development material possible, I get more and more fired up about my business. And here's what's more important I use that energy to help my team.
As a result of the information I got from listening to the personal development I put together my blog post and as a result of it got an extra 100 people to look at my business opportunity.
Now the post I put together benefits my team because they can re-use the content in their blog. At the end of the article is a special website link that connects with their Team Of Amazing People "Lead Capture Page" anyone in TOAP can re-use the article in their blog. All they have to do is one simple edit.
At the end of the post, there is a link to my "Lead Capture Page"
All they have to do to make sure they get all the leads generated is change the word "Lazy" to their unique LCP code. For example Wojciech's code is "22wojtas". His link at the end of the post would be.
If you don't already have a money making blog and "LCP" please download the free e-book by clicking the red button on the right. If you are willing, once you have read through, follow the steps.
Here's to your success.
Mark N Hopgood
p.s. here's the link to the original article. Feel free to resuse in your blog.
here's how Wojciech re-used the post. Genius!
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
How Empower Network Caused disruption to MLM
A commonly asked question is "how to I get MLM to work for me?"
This article discusses limitations of current approaches in MLM and Empower and how to address them and move forward to true success.
David Wood and David Wood's friend play the failure card when it comes to pitching. Their approach is to encourage people to join because they themselves and you too have failed to create true wealth in the past. They tug at the heart strings. Then you join to realise that all you are doing is re-promoting their system. Yes you get resell rights at 100% profits, but you and every one of your downline is paying them $$s per month to promote their business.
This is one of the main limitations of not mlm but the approach taken by many people promoting the next best thing. Really the next best thing is what I will describe in the following steps to success.
Building a business online is a lot like building a house.
As a Network Marketing professional based in UK, I get lots of people internationally pitching me on the newest brightest opportunities. People that appear to be very excited. Then I discover months or years later that they have quit. There is one blindingly obvious limitation to their approach.
If you have ever had the misfortune of being "thrown up on" by someone pitching mlm, then please for heavens sakes send them the link to this article.
The long term opportunity in business is to have the proper foundations in place or a sustainable system that can be used by everyone from the start.
Empower caused a nice amount of distraction and disruption to MLM because it got a lot of people to lose focus by pretending that the 100% comissions was a great deal.
It enabled Dave and Dave to promote their business, but left many people not knowing what the H*LL to do!
The only answer is to have personal mentors and a truly duplicable system that can be used by anyone - truly "plug and play".
One such system is used by Team Of Amazing People.
Click the link or red button on the right to start your journey to success.
This article discusses limitations of current approaches in MLM and Empower and how to address them and move forward to true success.
David Wood and David Wood's friend play the failure card when it comes to pitching. Their approach is to encourage people to join because they themselves and you too have failed to create true wealth in the past. They tug at the heart strings. Then you join to realise that all you are doing is re-promoting their system. Yes you get resell rights at 100% profits, but you and every one of your downline is paying them $$s per month to promote their business.
This is one of the main limitations of not mlm but the approach taken by many people promoting the next best thing. Really the next best thing is what I will describe in the following steps to success.
Building a business online is a lot like building a house.
As a Network Marketing professional based in UK, I get lots of people internationally pitching me on the newest brightest opportunities. People that appear to be very excited. Then I discover months or years later that they have quit. There is one blindingly obvious limitation to their approach.
If you have ever had the misfortune of being "thrown up on" by someone pitching mlm, then please for heavens sakes send them the link to this article.
The long term opportunity in business is to have the proper foundations in place or a sustainable system that can be used by everyone from the start.
Empower caused a nice amount of distraction and disruption to MLM because it got a lot of people to lose focus by pretending that the 100% comissions was a great deal.
It enabled Dave and Dave to promote their business, but left many people not knowing what the H*LL to do!
The only answer is to have personal mentors and a truly duplicable system that can be used by anyone - truly "plug and play".
One such system is used by Team Of Amazing People.
Click the link or red button on the right to start your journey to success.
Friday, 8 February 2013
helping a qualified yoga instructor to grow a business using the internet
At Team Of Amazing People, we have been doing what has now been termed "long tail" marketing for the last 3 years.
By "being ourselves" we have carved a niche out for our associates. Recently I heard some great feedback from a qualified yoga instructor in Sevenoaks who used our services.
Our online marketing system was used to promote Sarah Linsey's yoga lessons. We set up Sarah's website ( )and then promoted it using the internet. The result: full classes and a large waiting list.
[Here's the comment directly from Sarah]
Here are the steps we conduct to help promote Sarah's business online.
Website - keywords and copy (traditional SEO)
Indirect Search Engine Submission
Inclusion of Sarah's website address in our twitter directory.
Publishing (pdf e-book) and automated newsletter system.
Email contact form.
The magic that enabled Sarah to fill her classes to capacity (in other words grow her yoga business) is not rocket science, but requires precise steps which Sarah was happy to entrust us with.
As a result, Sarah is now enjoying the growth of her business and helping more people to a better life through yoga.
To find out more about our services and how you can build an online busines, please contact Mark Hopgood directly or complete the form by clicking the red button on the right.
If you have experienced the power of internet marketing with Mark and his Team Of Amazing People, please endorse mark at his linkedin page.
By "being ourselves" we have carved a niche out for our associates. Recently I heard some great feedback from a qualified yoga instructor in Sevenoaks who used our services.
Our online marketing system was used to promote Sarah Linsey's yoga lessons. We set up Sarah's website ( )and then promoted it using the internet. The result: full classes and a large waiting list.
[Here's the comment directly from Sarah]
Hi Mark
I was saying to Sue yesterday I would now say I get most of my enquiries
via the website, I would say on average 1-2 a week. (it used to be via the
poster in the health shop!). I think the website, layout, photos and words
are excellent. I think the big problem is I need to update it regularly
(my fault) and also I need to add more pages of new things I am doing. I am not
actually doing any ante-natal stuff but that page looks so nice and I forward
people onto another teacher!
I think I definitely get more enquiries than I did before, which is
definitely the website but I also think yoga is growing in popularity a lot more
than say 5 years ago when everyone did pilates and yoga was thought a bit weird!
Now osteopaths recommend it. Lots of my enquiries are coming from people
new to the area moving down from London who have been doing yoga there.
In a nutshell, the website is fab!
Here are the steps we conduct to help promote Sarah's business online.
Website - keywords and copy (traditional SEO)
Indirect Search Engine Submission
Inclusion of Sarah's website address in our twitter directory.
Publishing (pdf e-book) and automated newsletter system.
Email contact form.
The magic that enabled Sarah to fill her classes to capacity (in other words grow her yoga business) is not rocket science, but requires precise steps which Sarah was happy to entrust us with.
As a result, Sarah is now enjoying the growth of her business and helping more people to a better life through yoga.
To find out more about our services and how you can build an online busines, please contact Mark Hopgood directly or complete the form by clicking the red button on the right.
If you have experienced the power of internet marketing with Mark and his Team Of Amazing People, please endorse mark at his linkedin page.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Is cold calling, list building a waste of time?
Is cold calling, list building a waste of time?
If you are willing to setup online and offline marketing systems then you can leverage your time.
This means that initially yes you will be wasting time, or rather not utilising your time in the most effective way.
Mark N Hopgood has engineered a set of offline and online automated systems to help sales professionals to leverage their time and use the internet, email, fax anf flyers to their massive advantage.
Whether you are a sales person looking to increase your number of leads and conversions, a network marketing professional who is looking for more leads, or simply looking to start or promote a business,
get in touch by clicking the red button on the left and I will contact you.
Alternatively mail
If you are willing to setup online and offline marketing systems then you can leverage your time.
This means that initially yes you will be wasting time, or rather not utilising your time in the most effective way.
Mark N Hopgood has engineered a set of offline and online automated systems to help sales professionals to leverage their time and use the internet, email, fax anf flyers to their massive advantage.
Whether you are a sales person looking to increase your number of leads and conversions, a network marketing professional who is looking for more leads, or simply looking to start or promote a business,
get in touch by clicking the red button on the left and I will contact you.
Alternatively mail
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
"A wing and a prayer" vs "Belief"
Do you believe in the 4 things you need to succeed?
I've posted before about the 3 stages of belief or the 3 steps towards belief in the past.
This post looks at the 4th belief...
When you see a blog post, does it look geniune?
Today I'm posting about others.
If you are looking for a leader, mentor to help you with your success,
Does it look like they are a leader?
Do they have a team?
Have they had success?
Are they helping others or just keeping all the money for themselves?
Do they have a system?
Is their system easy to duplicate?
Robert Kyosaki in his audio about the business of the 21st century, says that when you are checking out an opportunity, make sure that there is a system in place for training and a team tosupport you.
I would add that an automated lead capture system and free training for prospects is paramount. Also the system must be third party to your opportunity.
By that i mean that the system is one step away from the business. this adds credibility to the individual and does not set off the salesman alert.
People must be considered as individuals, and their specific needs must be considered and met.
Let me explain.
I encourage you to have a look throught my blog posts, my facebook profile and linkedin profiles.
Search Google for "MARK N HOPGOOD LINKED IN"
Do the pictures look geniune? I am featured with other such as Brig Hart, Dalin Larsen, Steve and Gina Merritt.
I not only build a team, but I help members of my team not only to setup their own businesses and systems, but to mentor them and help with presentations and hangouts on the web.
I have had multiple successes with multiple companies I also help others, too.
Search Google for "Team Of Amazing People" to find out about my community which helps people to build an online business.
I have developed a system independent from the business opportunities.
The system takes 10-15 minutes typically to set up.
I invite you to connect with me at or to take the next step by downloading my free 11 page e-book on how to setup and build an online business.
Click the red button on the right to download the book, now.
I've posted before about the 3 stages of belief or the 3 steps towards belief in the past.
This post looks at the 4th belief...
When you see a blog post, does it look geniune?
Today I'm posting about others.
If you are looking for a leader, mentor to help you with your success,
Does it look like they are a leader?
Do they have a team?
Have they had success?
Are they helping others or just keeping all the money for themselves?
Do they have a system?
Is their system easy to duplicate?
Robert Kyosaki in his audio about the business of the 21st century, says that when you are checking out an opportunity, make sure that there is a system in place for training and a team tosupport you.
I would add that an automated lead capture system and free training for prospects is paramount. Also the system must be third party to your opportunity.
By that i mean that the system is one step away from the business. this adds credibility to the individual and does not set off the salesman alert.
People must be considered as individuals, and their specific needs must be considered and met.
Let me explain.
I encourage you to have a look throught my blog posts, my facebook profile and linkedin profiles.
Search Google for "MARK N HOPGOOD LINKED IN"
Do the pictures look geniune? I am featured with other such as Brig Hart, Dalin Larsen, Steve and Gina Merritt.
I not only build a team, but I help members of my team not only to setup their own businesses and systems, but to mentor them and help with presentations and hangouts on the web.
I have had multiple successes with multiple companies I also help others, too.
Search Google for "Team Of Amazing People" to find out about my community which helps people to build an online business.
I have developed a system independent from the business opportunities.
The system takes 10-15 minutes typically to set up.
I invite you to connect with me at or to take the next step by downloading my free 11 page e-book on how to setup and build an online business.
Click the red button on the right to download the book, now.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
7 ways that I help my friends in my team to earn more
I wanted to share with you how I help my friends in Team Of Amazing People to earn more.
The reason I use the word friends is because, even though we are a business it is important for me to get to know anyone before we work together. After all we spend time together on the phone, web and the occasional meeting. I'm only interested in people who are looking to build a long term income, not just get rich quick.
Anyway, when our team members create a blog post, I help to increase the number of visits to their blog post. Their blog uses our lead capture system which offer something of value to the visitor. In this example I will use the following link, a post from my friend Marion about how she has benefited from a health breakthrough.
I use the following techniques to bring in more visitors.
1. Facebook
I post the link on Facebook in a very specific way.
a. first I post the link to my facebook page.
Here's the link:
Here's the facebook page I post to:
Once I have posted the link ( as the page admin ) I then change to my personal profile and comment on it and like it. It then gets seen by more people.
2. Google Plus
I save the post and comment on it within blogger. This then sends the link out to all my Google Plus connections. Have a look at my posts in google plus. All created automatically from blogger.
3. Twitter
I have several twitter accounts so I use hootsuite to advance post using a system which maximises the number of views.
4. Linkedin
I update my profile by adding a comment and posting the link.
I also post the link to the groups that I am a member of.
5. MyLeadCompany
From the leads and free leads I get each week I mail using my LCS mailer. Approx 770 emails go out each week inviting people to look at our blog posting system.
6. Google Group
I run 3 google groups - Ipad Millionaire, Team Of Amazing People and TIA2011!forum/tia2011!forum/team-of-amazing-people!forum/moneymakingmaster
Posting the link here gives even more exposure. I even encourage my team mates to repost content which increases their exposure to their networks
7. Reposting on blogger
This post is an example. I post and talk about what I have done. This increases the views not only to my opportunity page but to my team members pages, too.
If you would like to get started with my blogging system for increasing your income, you may click the red button on the right. After downloading, studying and acting on the contents of the book, you will be up and running within 3 days.
Here's to your success.
Mark Hopgood
p.s. I havent mentioned wom, pof and fba, flyers, skype and email as other
ways of promoting - perhaps next time.
The reason I use the word friends is because, even though we are a business it is important for me to get to know anyone before we work together. After all we spend time together on the phone, web and the occasional meeting. I'm only interested in people who are looking to build a long term income, not just get rich quick.
Anyway, when our team members create a blog post, I help to increase the number of visits to their blog post. Their blog uses our lead capture system which offer something of value to the visitor. In this example I will use the following link, a post from my friend Marion about how she has benefited from a health breakthrough.
I use the following techniques to bring in more visitors.
1. Facebook
I post the link on Facebook in a very specific way.
a. first I post the link to my facebook page.
Here's the link:
Here's the facebook page I post to:
Once I have posted the link ( as the page admin ) I then change to my personal profile and comment on it and like it. It then gets seen by more people.
2. Google Plus
I save the post and comment on it within blogger. This then sends the link out to all my Google Plus connections. Have a look at my posts in google plus. All created automatically from blogger.
3. Twitter
I have several twitter accounts so I use hootsuite to advance post using a system which maximises the number of views.
4. Linkedin
I update my profile by adding a comment and posting the link.
I also post the link to the groups that I am a member of.
5. MyLeadCompany
From the leads and free leads I get each week I mail using my LCS mailer. Approx 770 emails go out each week inviting people to look at our blog posting system.
6. Google Group
I run 3 google groups - Ipad Millionaire, Team Of Amazing People and TIA2011!forum/tia2011!forum/team-of-amazing-people!forum/moneymakingmaster
Posting the link here gives even more exposure. I even encourage my team mates to repost content which increases their exposure to their networks
7. Reposting on blogger
This post is an example. I post and talk about what I have done. This increases the views not only to my opportunity page but to my team members pages, too.
If you would like to get started with my blogging system for increasing your income, you may click the red button on the right. After downloading, studying and acting on the contents of the book, you will be up and running within 3 days.
Here's to your success.
Mark Hopgood
p.s. I havent mentioned wom, pof and fba, flyers, skype and email as other
ways of promoting - perhaps next time.
Friday, 1 February 2013
2 ways blogging on the move can boost your income
2 ways blogging on the move can boost your income
With the rise in mobile technology and smartphones it is possible to build a business from anywhere.
Even if you have poor mobile signal, many coffee shops, libraries and public spaces have wi-fi (often free).
So, why is it important to embrace the technology?
Embracing mobile technology is important because it means that you can use previously unproductive time to build your business.Let's face it, the reason most people start an online business is to give them more time with their family. Burn out or severe fatigue is becoming more and more common, with modern work and extended working hours. Having an automated business online gives you a means of generating cash that will eventually replace your day job. if that's what you want!
Take this article for example. I started it off in KFC between meetings in otherwise
wasted time. Later i finished off my article while having a coffee in mcdonalds.
By the time i got home, i just had to correct a few typos using my pc and then share on social networks.
So how can blogging on the move boost your income?
Using my blogging system it is possible to make money online. Blogging on the move makes it easier to blog. Using unproductive time means that you get more done without sacrificing family or leisure time. Sharing with your friends will help them to be more productive and if using my system will help them and you to earn more, too!
What if you go on a train that has tunnels?
Even if your mobile signal is interrupted, using a system like blogger will keep the page on screen even if you are out of signal. When you get back in range, blogger will save. An alternative is to create your blog post in a syncing app like inkpad and latrer copying your blog text when you get home.
Mark N Hopgood helps people to create a second income online. Replacing the day job could be an option for you with Mark's online blogging system.
Download the free 11 page e-book now to get started on your journey to financial freedom. CLICK THE RED BUTTON ON THE RIGHT
Edit: boom! This post generated 97 extra views of my business opportunityon the first day of publishing.
With the rise in mobile technology and smartphones it is possible to build a business from anywhere.
Even if you have poor mobile signal, many coffee shops, libraries and public spaces have wi-fi (often free).
So, why is it important to embrace the technology?
Embracing mobile technology is important because it means that you can use previously unproductive time to build your business.Let's face it, the reason most people start an online business is to give them more time with their family. Burn out or severe fatigue is becoming more and more common, with modern work and extended working hours. Having an automated business online gives you a means of generating cash that will eventually replace your day job. if that's what you want!
Take this article for example. I started it off in KFC between meetings in otherwise
wasted time. Later i finished off my article while having a coffee in mcdonalds.
By the time i got home, i just had to correct a few typos using my pc and then share on social networks.
So how can blogging on the move boost your income?
Using my blogging system it is possible to make money online. Blogging on the move makes it easier to blog. Using unproductive time means that you get more done without sacrificing family or leisure time. Sharing with your friends will help them to be more productive and if using my system will help them and you to earn more, too!
What if you go on a train that has tunnels?
Even if your mobile signal is interrupted, using a system like blogger will keep the page on screen even if you are out of signal. When you get back in range, blogger will save. An alternative is to create your blog post in a syncing app like inkpad and latrer copying your blog text when you get home.
Mark N Hopgood helps people to create a second income online. Replacing the day job could be an option for you with Mark's online blogging system.
Download the free 11 page e-book now to get started on your journey to financial freedom. CLICK THE RED BUTTON ON THE RIGHT
Edit: boom! This post generated 97 extra views of my business opportunityon the first day of publishing.
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