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Friday 8 February 2013

helping a qualified yoga instructor to grow a business using the internet

At Team Of Amazing People, we have been doing what has now been termed "long tail" marketing for the last 3 years.

By "being ourselves" we have carved a niche out for our associates. Recently I heard some great feedback from a qualified yoga instructor in Sevenoaks who used our services.

Our online marketing system was used to promote Sarah Linsey's yoga lessons. We set up Sarah's website ( http://www.sarahlinseyyoga.co.uk/ )and then promoted it using the internet. The result: full classes and a large waiting list.

[Here's the comment directly from Sarah]

Hi Mark
I was saying to Sue yesterday I would now say I get most of my enquiries via the website, I would say on average 1-2 a week.  (it used to be via the poster in the health shop!).  I think the website, layout, photos and words are excellent.  I think the big problem is I need to update it regularly (my fault) and also I need to add more pages of new things I am doing. I am not actually doing any ante-natal stuff but that page looks so nice and I forward people onto another teacher!
I think I definitely get more enquiries than I did before, which is definitely the website but I also think yoga is growing in popularity a lot more than say 5 years ago when everyone did pilates and yoga was thought a bit weird! Now osteopaths recommend it.  Lots of my enquiries are coming from people new to the area moving down from London who have been doing yoga there.
In a nutshell, the website is fab! 

Here are the steps we conduct to help promote Sarah's business online.

Website - keywords and copy (traditional SEO)
Indirect Search Engine Submission
Inclusion of Sarah's website address in our twitter directory.
Publishing (pdf e-book) and automated newsletter system.
Email contact form.

The magic that enabled Sarah to fill her classes to capacity (in other words grow her yoga business) is not rocket science, but requires precise steps which Sarah was happy to entrust us with.

As a result, Sarah is now enjoying the growth of her business and helping more people to a better life through yoga.

To find out more about our services and how you can build an online busines, please contact Mark Hopgood directly mark@hopgood.eu or complete the form by clicking the red button on the right.

If you have experienced the power of internet marketing with Mark and his Team Of Amazing People, please endorse mark at his linkedin page.

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