Hi Five - Claim your £5 free call credit

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Friday, 21 December 2012

Here's what we did with Woj's new leads

Wojciech Kozłowski sent me his leads which were a list of people interested in starting a business from home. We have an ideal opportunity so we decided to join forces.

I added my 771 leads to Woj's list. I set up the following email in my automated email system.

Dear <>,

thanks for sending us your details.

I would like to invite you to take a look at an
opportunity which I believe could help you achieve your goals.

Firstly the link

Secondly and most importantly - how we can help you.
Our system which you can download in the form of a free 11 page guide.

(when you get there click the red button)

We hope you decide to join us so that we can help you achieve your success.


Mark and Wojciech
Team Of Amazing People (google us!)

Personal invite for <> <>

21 Dec 2012

So this email was sent to 771 x 2 people hungry for change in their lives and willing to make a difference by joining team of amazing people. 

If you would like to join us (Team Of Amazing People) please start by downloading the 11 page guide to making money online by clicking the red button to the right and entering your details.

Here's to your success!

Sunday, 16 December 2012

7 people I've helped to build and grow their business online in the last month.

My main focus has been on helping others to create more money online.
Why online? Because online means automatic or while you are at the day job, people can be finding out about how to make money online.

Anyway - here's the people I've helped to build their businesses using social media and blogging - online.

David Ingham

Sue Hopgood

Marion Crist

iPad Millionaire

Chris and Andrea Gerry

Wojciech Kozłowski

To find out about setting up your online business, download our free 11 page e-book by clicking on the red button on the right.

or visit  http://invite4you.com/lazy

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

no more or less, what's your magic number?

Here's food for thought.
You have a business.
Your business has an online page.

But how many people visit each day?
Without that information you will not be able to measure how your business is growing.

Here's an example. My friend has been running a business for a couple of years and I just helped him set up a blog to help promote it. Only when we worked together and my team set up the codes (10 minutes) were we able to see how many people visited.

Here's the statistics on our new blog and web measurement system. You can see that day 1 when we set up the blog we received 32 visits. These are extra visits by people looking at our opportunity. In addition day 2, early morning 7am, we had 11 visitors already. This is a new web page promoting our business. Very powerful.

Graph of Blogger page views
Stats for http://endthedayjobnow.blogspot.co.uk

If you are ready to start measuring and improving your business online, click the red button at the right and enter your details to receive your free 11 page ebook guide on how to build a business online.

To your success!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Don't just read this

Don't just read this

My hope is that you act on this information too!

3 things that helped me to increase my earning and time with my family.

1. Learning and applying new skills - I am open to learning and willing to test and apply my new skills
2. Learning about and using new tools - I am willing to adopt and use tools to save me time
3. Leverage = helping others to do the same. Showing them how to generate income in multiple ways.

Through not giving up and consistently applying the principles in our e-book I have increased my income and helped others to create a business online.

Download our book here... http://invite4you.com/lazy

Friday, 30 November 2012

[resolved] Top 3 MLM issues, bugbears, problems

As a network marketing (MLM) professional I help people to get started in MLM. Getting started is one of the major problems - how to get your business off the ground.

Now despite my recruiting over 50 people in my first year using the upline suggested route (friends, family lists), the biggest source of leads, team members and income came from the internet in year 2. My internet activities were creating more income than my team members could and I knew that was wrong. I needed a way of sharing my system so that it could help them.

So I spent over £2000 and 4 months studying what I had been doing, the suppliers that I had been using (some at £80 per month and over £1000 a month). Then I came up with a system that would be duplicable - i.e. I could help others to do it and they could help their teams to use it.

Using the power of blogging, facebook, linked in, email, autoresponders, google plus and my custom code, I developed a system that could be implemented within 15 miuntes and used by someone who had very little experience of the web and marketing.

In doing so I resolved the top 3 isuues with MLM

1. Getting started (15 minutes)
2. knowing exactly what to say and do (immediate using our system)
3. how to generate leads and help people get started
4. staying started

Download our team of amazing peopl ebook which has our system lais out in a step by step way. Click the red button at the top right, enter your details and get access today,

Here's to your success.
Mark N Hopgood
07767 875 550

Sunday, 25 November 2012

it wasn't my drink that was spiked.


forgive the formatting but I created this post on my new phone.

You can see the leap in stats. almost double my usual daily visitors. LONG MAY THIS CONTINUE

How did this happen?
Well, I posted about my trainingsession where i helped people in my team and inthe wider community with training to help them build a business online

I also posted photos from the event.

this helped, too

read my previous post
to see the pictures
maybe you know someone who could benefit from earning from the comfort of their own home.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Explaining my Facebook background image

Here's how I got to be in the room with and enjoying dinner with Brig and Lita Hart, Dallin Larson, Randy Schroeder and Dr Alex Schauss
Mark N Hopgood with Some of the Greatest Networkers ever. Brig Hart, Lita Hart, Dallin Larsen and Randy Schroeder in the background

Dave Ingham, Sue and I had been invited to an exclusive dinner by MonaVie corporate for our role in kick starting Europe by launching in UK. Dave, Sue and I after a trip to Orlando, USA in the previous year to one of Brig Harts amazing events, decided we were going to step up and create a buzz around network marketing and MonaVie in the UK.

We were rewarded with the VIP Luxury trip in what was an exclusive never to be repeated opportunity. Our hard work and diligence had paid off.

What a journey. Steve and Gina Merrit went on to host us in Orlando again and our business grew and flew from there. We continue to build our business, but now concentrate on helping others to achieve success and financial freedom. A great responsibility.

To access our system and be part of Team Of Amazing People, please feel free to download our e-book by clicking the red button at the top right of the screen.



Great day training - passing on new skills to the Team Of Amazing People

What a great day we had - training included.

Eric Worre Script Building - exatly what to say to prospects when building a business.
5 Star Opportunity Presentation
FFSBI - Tom Big Al Schreiter "how to manipulate the minds of people for fun and profit"
Lead Capture Systems - how to bend the rules of the universe in your favour.
Phone systems and business building techniques - how to filter out the wrong people.

Getting Ready for the prize draw

Giving Dulce the Ticket to Lisbon

Dulce Can't believe it, but gracefully accepts the prize.

Presenting David with his lunch for the next 28 days - MonaVie RVL prize.

Presenting Jane with the 5 Star Opportunity 7" Tablet

Final treat for me. RVL Pancakes with Maple syrup and Lemond Curdy.

We were very fired up afterwards. Despite the gloomy weather, we have THE system to help people succeed in Network Marketing. Click the RED BUTTON at the top right of this post to find out more.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Hope < Belief < Understanding

Or should this blog post be called
Understanding > Belief > Hope ?

Anyway I wanted to share with you this quick message for those who are starting out in creating an additional income.

Where are you currently in your online business creation?

I now know that there are 3 stages to the mindset in a person who has undertaken an online or work from home business opportunity. They may be interested in more free time (not enough time with friends or family). They may be interested in more money (not enough month at the end of the money). Anyway these 3 stages in their mindset often reflect the state of their business.

In the first stages of starting a home based business or work from home opportuntiy, most people have hope. This means that they want their business to work and are wishing for a change in their lives. Many people never get beyond this stage. They hope their business will become successful.

This is a crucial stage in building a business. Unfortunately it requires commitment and many people never put enough time into following their dream to get here. In order to believe that it is possible to make a business work, they have to spend time with leaders. They have to have an open mindset because they are going to have to learn new skills and change habits. Hanging out with leaders and people who have already made it, is crucial because seeing others achieving success helps build belief.
At this stage they know that it is possible to succeed, but they have note yet got there.

This is the point where the dream is starting to come true. A person has not only attended events or spent time counselling their mentors, but has also acted. They will begin to see a pattern appear. They fuel their business by growing it on a continual basis by following the steps required. This is a great position to be in, but it requires continued activity to guide the people in the belief and hope stages.

Mark N Hopgood, a Network Marketing Professional who helps others to achieve success by mentoring. He is at the Understanding phase of his business building.

"What I understand to be true is that my business is always growing. Each month, week, day I help others and find out what they want to achieve. I promote my business and opportunity each day and the rules of the cosmos bend in my favour. The universe provides!" Mark N Hopgood

Join in the excitement by downloading the e-book that can help move you from a Hope to Belief to Understanding stage. Click the red button on the right.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Summary of my day

My Son was ill so I had to look after him.
But I managed to spend half an hour with a friend. I showed her how to use unused minutes on her mobile / home phone contract to build her business for 'free'.

I then spent 5 minutes showing a friend how to get other people to promote their business using facebook.

Then I went with my son and a friend for lunch. Apart from discussing Angry Birds and drinking lots of apple juice, I shared with my friend how my e-book publishing platform could help him grow his income.

This is all interwoven with looking after my son who is ill and off school.

Then I helped someone out with their fridge and posted a blog to my team.

Then I realised that I had generated £10,025 revenue for my business.

So what's better helping people, sharing your knowledge, having freedom and getting paid or getting paid to do a job?

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Youdrive - for free? How one company changed it's policy on free cars

Youdrive - for free? How one company changed it's policy on free cars
I couldn't help see the #YouDrive adverts for Mercedes and of course it is a really aspirational brand. I remembered that the organisation behind Team Of Amazing People actually give away Mercs.

Originally only the top earners were given Mercs, but as recently as February last year we started giving away Mercedes to more and more people, making them more acessible.

Most people are interested in finding out more - so they click on the red button on the right, download the e-book and join Team Of Amazing People.

YouDrive - A Class Merc. As Given away by the company behind Team Of Amazing People

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Free use of M&S Youtube and Xfactor budget to power promote your business

I don't watch telly but I did attedn Steve's social media master class.
I occasionally tune in to youtube so I was intrigued to see that youtube had this on.

I knew that something was happening at 8:15pm I knew that #Greatesthits was going to be the hashtag.
But I needed to go further - who's the top presenter on x factor. Did some googling and found it was Gary Barlow.

So a search in twitter gave me his twitter address....

the ad was set up by @marksandspencer

So the power post on twitter was

#GreatestHits #xfactor @GBarlowOfficial congratulations on setting up this up, or was it twiggy? http://invite4you.com/newyou

Which got our web address sent to Gary barlow, his fans, marks and spencer and their fans, anyone who used the xfactor and greatesthists hashtag.

Here's to all our successes.

If you are interested in learning how to power promote your business online using social media,
contact me directly - search google for Team Of Amazing People and join!


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

[place holder] - how to get high quality candidates, not just crummy leads


Perhaps the most important thing you need for your business to succeed.

Leads can also bog you down. Too many low quality leads that have cost you not only in terms of money but your precious time can erode your mojo.

So, what's better?

TARGETTED REAL TIME LEADS - or rather people who are looking and ready to join your business contacting you to see if you are an actual person before joining. Then once you have confirmed what they are looking for, they join!

Now how many of these would you like. Is it better to get 200 LEADS per week which you have to call on.
Or would it be better to get 2 people join who can then use the same system you used to help their 2 join each week.

Do the math, no wait - download the book and save yourself time by reading my book (red button on right)

UK: 07767 875 550

Here's how - increase the # of calls and emails from people wanting your products and services.

Here's how - increase the # of calls and emails from people wanting your products and services.

Previous posts included how to increase traffic and how traffic / visits to your blog can have a compound or snowball effect. BUT

BIG BUT - you must offer visitors a way of getting in touch with you and you MUST have a way of getting in touch with them. That's why whenever I post, I put it on my blog. My post is then framed by my contact info and my system which I use to gain new customers (more on that later).

Anyway - just download the book by clicking the link on the right - RED BUTTON which says something like click here. The book has everything to get started, but also you'll have my contact details anyway.

Now as I spend an hour online a day and at least 6 with my family (that's my why) you might not always get to me straight away, but I will get back to you. Google plus me or facebook me too.

Now reason I post in my blog first is that I can then go to my blog and like it, google plus it, facebook link it. Now rather than just posting a USELESS message in facebook, I now have a trackable link which shows me where I get traffic from and how many links I get and all those other metrics I mentioned in my previous post - the same metrics that can help you in the growth of your business.

PLUS - I help you to get started.

Now as it is late, I'll just post a quick message. Connect with me - mark@hopgood.eu or if you are in the UK call me on 07767 875 550.

Success is just a few steps away.
Here's to you taking the next steps to further success.


07767 875 550

p.s. customers call me and people contact me to join my organisation because they know that I have the skills, system and am willing to share and mentor. I even give you the system to use, resell and make money from if you wish. UNLESS you love your JOB and your BOSS. Do you?

Sunday, 4 November 2012

are you blogging today to get more people to see your business opportunity?

Are you blogging today - getting people to see your business.

Here's a graph of visits to my blog. Yesterday I posted about how to win the race in building your business. You can see that as a result of this post I received over 22 visits to my blog which includes information about my business.

Graph of Blogger page views
chart showing the impact of 1 new post on Team Of Amazing People's blog (Mark N Hopgood)

What it also shows is the impact of not blogging. During my holiday (28th October - 3rd Nov) you can see how I received less visits.

In total here's the information that is available:

How many visits I received.
How many visits I don't receive if I don't promote.
The fact that I have a blog.
The fact that I have a lead capture system ( I received 6 new leads as a result of this post)

If you would like to step up and build an online business that can attract visitors daily, then I invite you to download my e-book on the right by clicking the red button next to the couch potato.

Here's to your online success

Saturday, 3 November 2012

3 ways to build a massive business online

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Who wins? The tortoise of course.

Because of their slowness, their steadiness and their comittment they get the job done. Complete the race in your way.

As far as earning an income online or with a home business.

Are you in?

Not just today but for the long term?

After all a business cannot be built in a day, week, month or even a year.
You grow it day by day, week by week, month by month and yes year by year.

As you apply the steps involved on a consistent and persistent basis, you'll notice a couple of things happening. Some people join, come and go. The ones who quit are like the hare. They get distracted or stop for a rest and never get back into the swing of things.

As an ex teacher I recognised this in some of my students. Those that skipped school once or twice started getting in the habit of quitting on a regular basis and eventually it was almost impossible for them to go a week and turn up for classes. You know where those kids end up, right?

Anyway one thing that has really helped me to grow my business on a daily basis is having an online system that helps me to engage with my business every day - i.e. turn up to that important class. Having my online system coupled with a powerful autoresponder and the ability to offer people my free ebook allows me to blog every day.

The result?
A slow and steady, consistent source of high quality leads - i.e. people who want to download my book and join my business.

So, what's the next steps for you? Go back to the race?
I recommend downloading my book on the right, following each step slowly and steadily, every day.


See you at the finish line!
Mark Hopgood
uk: 07767 875 550
usa: 904 638 9046

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Mark N Hopgood helps Buddhist Thai restaurant owners add another string to their bow

Mark N Hopgood helps Thai restaurant owners add another string to their bow.

London, UK, 2012

Pip and Raj, owners of the Maneeya Thai restaurant in Carshalton have become the latest in a line of empowered business owners who are increasing their income with the help of Mark N Hopgood and his Team Of Amazing People.

Mark N Hopgood with the Maneeya Team (photo taken by Pip)

As Raj and Pip benefited not only from the products and systems that have helped with their health, they also have an ethical reason for working with Mark. "As Buddhists we have a large network of friends who also want to increase their income and are open to opportunities. With Mark's system we have the ability to help our friends and people in our network." Already word has spread and Pip and Raj have been helping others too. Aligning themselves with an ethical sustainable business team also helped because of a recent shift in perception. "Because alcohol is not compatible with Buddhism we have sold our wine distribution business and now have aligned with one of Mark's health related businesses".

The Fifth Precept in Theravada Buddhism

Bikkhu Bodhi explains in "Going for Refuge" that the Fifth Precept can be translated from the Pali to prohibit "fermented and distilled liquors which are intoxicants" or "fermented and distilled liquors and other intoxicants." Either way, clearly the guiding purpose of the precept is "to prevent heedlessness caused by the taking of intoxicating substances."

Already through their dedication to health, both physical and mental, the couple have grown their business. Pip explains, "Mark has been invaluable in helping us to get started with the business and is great at explaining things to our team. I guess this must be because he was a teacher for a while."

Raj and the team (photo taken by Pip)

Contact Mark N Hopgood on 07767 875 550 (UK) or 904 638 9046 (USA)
email mark@hopgood.eu or visit on of our blogs at...

How to generate leads for your network marketing opportunity. Online and automatically!

My learnings about building a business and using online tools are available from the following link.


You can contact me in one of several ways.

904 638 9046
skype: mark.hopgood

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Ready for a boost in your network marketing business?

I wanted to share with you the top 2 reasons that people join my business.

1. I follow the system. Getting started and staying started, be on autoship and attend events to keep my knowledge high. Be a product of the product. Following the system means I can enroll a new distributor and be their sponsor with confidence.

Did you know that this business is about helping others. So you need to be ready and willing and you follow the system in order to help others.

2. The second way is through attracting people from the internet. This is something that has been harder to duplicate until now. I've found my most popular source of traffic and I want to help you to succeed too.

Here's the link. Have a look then I will explain how it all fits together.

This feature starts with a blog and a twitter account. Make sure you create a twitter and blogger account, then download my book at http://invite4you.com/Lazy
enter your details and work with me to enjoy even greater success in your business.

904 638 9046
07767 875 550

p.s. there is another source of new distributors - my wonderful team. That will come to you as you build yours, with my help of course!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

connecting the dots and helping people improve their lives

When all was quiet on Sunday night I ventured out to travel up the M1 motorway to meet Chris and Andrea in the hotel campanile restaurant by Northampton.

Chris had originally contacted me and joined with my business the same day. I was keen to find out more about what plans he and Andrea had for the future. I had a surprise in store for them.

You see a week after Chris and Andrea had contacted me I got a call from Mark who was interested in doing something different and I wanted to find out why. He mentioned that he was keen to start something new. Either self employed of go back to his sports consulting business. The problem was that Mark wanted to meet up and he was over 4 hours travel away.

So instead of blowing Mark out, I went into creative mode and connected the dots. I saw an opportunity to connect Mark, Chris and Andrea. They all live in the Midlands and I could help them all by introducing them.

So I met with Chris and Andrea after a 2 hour drive (listening to some great motivational material on CD from one of my mentors and picking up some new skills from another). Chris and Andrea then went on to meet Mark who will be working closely with them and we will all benefit. Our community commerce builds and grows. Mark now has a premises to meet as Chris and Andrea run a restaurant. Chris and Andrea now have more time as Mark will be working in partnership with them to extend our coverage of the midlands area.

And our 80 plus team with over 130 years combined experience will be helping everyone. Win Win, I say!

3 tips from an experienced blogger on how to write a killer blog post title

As founder of "Team Of Amazing People" I get asked regularly how or what to write in a blog post.

An experienced blogger friend of mine gave me some advice, "There are 3 ways in which you can attract people to your post.

Firstly make it relevent - if your post has information that people want desperately, make sure it is in there.
Secondly make it interesting - 3rd party references or featuring a story can be extremely useful. Your brain is hardwired to listen to stories.
Thirdly, make sure that you talk about the thing, not say what the thing is. This is key. You don't want to give everything away in the title. The title gives you a way of attracting people."

Here's 2 examples that I have learned from this advice.

Giving it all away:  Sausage and mash is the number one junk food in wales according to kids.
More to read: 2 most popular kids junk foods revealed in survey

The first example gives away all the info. The second draws the reader in.

Which would you choose?

Monday, 15 October 2012

Just added my ugly couch potato to my blog. Got yours yet?

Just added my ugly couch potato to my blog. Got yours yet?

I finally got round to getting my lead capture, "squeeze page" and autoresponder set up.

Have you got your ugly couch potato, yet?  (it helps you earn more with your network marketing opportunity)

Find that potato on the right and click to get your free 10 page guide on making money and overcoming the recruitment barrier.


Struggling in Network Marketing? Want more, here's how..

Do you want more?

Earlier this year I added 80 new people into my business (MLM / Network Marketing / Community Commerce/Relationship marketing)

I was on a roll. Apart from my real world networking, my online recruitment was working for me in attracting new distributors.

Within a couple of months my online business building was overtaking my entire team's efforts. I was becoming 80 times more effective.

Do you want more?

Even my upline were getting more and more interested in what I was doing, but I found it difficult to explain how I made it work.

Then I had a breakthrough with a piece of work that gave me a google front page within 4 days. More of my team asked me how I did it and I decided to write the software and make it accessible to others.

Since I made my priority helping others, I found that my business grew faster. Yours can too.

I can help you to grow your business. Interested?

Read on...

Access my system
 So here's my system which you can use and even offer to your downline. It incorporates an e-book with what I did, so you can too.

You can get the book and access my system here..


Thursday, 20 September 2012

The power of TEAM

As part of my mentoring service I help teams to work together. This enables them to get much further with their home or internet business.

I love the acronym TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More

Here's a case in point. Recently I spoke with a business owner who wasn't getting enough out of their business. I showed her a couple of motivational videos and invited her to come and spend time with my team. Together we worked on how to approach potential clients and  after a couple of days of seeing how to power promote her business, went off to achieve increased productivity.

Finally reigniting her passion by matching her dream with activities that could help her achieve them.

If you in any way keep your optinos open, in terms of generating extra income, then get in touch.
Mark N Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)

Sunday, 19 August 2012

getting free leads and more leads for your network marketing business

Many people who join Network Marketing Companies (MLM) like the idea of having an automatic income, but don't have the knowledge or the experience to make it a reality.

The world has come along a long way since the original network marketing companies over 80 years ago.

The main change is the internet. More people can be contacted more quickly and getting access to a never ending supply of fresh leads can be the difference that makes you money.

Without many leads, your business will stifle or worse, die.

Here's an answer that has helped me and my associates to get more leads more quickly and made me more money more quickly than I ever imagined.


Before you build a list of friends and family, get a mega list and make more with the above link.
I give 100 leads free with every associate who joins.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Is the yellow pages generation defunct? Where do you see yourself?

Moving forward with social media means recognising generation Y

Thanks to Steve Clarke and his social media boot camp today, our team is well on the way to driving forward the essential social network that is the marketplace of the now and the future.

Steve helped us to get to the pain that businesses and individuals are experiencing. The yellow pages generation (aka baby boomers) will be superceded by generation Y ( y fronts sticking out of their pants, a.k.a. youth of today) and there's a lot of catching up to do.

So what are the problems? There are 3 groups in pain right now.

1. The redundancy generation (50+ people who have been made redundant, are not able to find work and are forced into the option of starting their own business.
2. What I call the Predundancy generation - redundant before they even have a job. That group of 16-25 year olds that face a jobless future.
3. Those that have a job and need a second income.

Today in Steve Clarke's boot camp we discovered how to use the power of social networking to create the economy you want. Even if you are not prepared to drop your pants a couple of inches and show your Y-fronts to the world, you can still participate in the socail media revolution.

It starts with not a phone call after searching through the yellow pages, but a tweet from a blue bird.

or an email or skype
email: mark@hopgood.eu
skype: mark.hopgood

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Mark N Hopgood to attend Steve Clarke "Social Media Bootcamp"

London, UK: for immediate release

Mark N Hopgood, leadership coach and mentor is taking their best performing members of his team to attend a social media bootcamp by Steve Clarke - mentor to the Dragons Den team.

Steve will be showing how he generates over £8000 per month using social media on autopilot.

 Contact Mark N Hopgood for more details.

 Some info about Steve


Steve Clarke,

Entrepreneur, Salesman, Author,

Columnist, Speaker, Trainer & Sales Mentor

Steve Clarke, Eureka Sales, sales mentor to business owners and entrepreneursSteve is one of the country’s leading experts on grassroots sales and marketing strategies. Not a theorist or a guru, but a doer.
Steve is very proud to be a member of an elite team of business mentors chosen by The Entrepreneurs’ Business Academy (the EBA) which James Caan from BBC TV’s Dragon’s Den spearheads with Founder, Bev James. The EBA works with business owners and entrepreneurs to fast-track and ramp up their their personal and business effectiveness.
He left school at the age of 16 with no qualifications. At 18 he became engrossed in the power of personal development and goal setting. At 19 with a fresh attitude and determination to succeed he found his niche in sales. Shortly thereafter he was invited to become a director of his first company.
Since then he has owned and operated business in the UK and USA. He has taken them from start up to stock market floatation.
He helped grow his last UK business from scratch to £30 million in revenues in just 8 years, becoming one of the “Times Top 100″ fasted growing and profitable SME’s in the country in the process. In 2005 the company was sold and he was able to retire at the age of 45.
Now he spends much of his time working with entrepreneurs that want to achieve growth and success through improved sales and marketing. Numerous business owners can point directly to Steve’s low cost or even no cost strategies, that once implemented have delivered incredible results and quickly too.
Steve, is also a business columnist and author of “How To Thrive Not Just Survive”, in which he shares his simple proven formula for business success.
He willingly has shares his knowledge in the hope that he will inspire others to achieve their goals and aspirations. In addition to running his Sales Mentoring Programs and Master Classes, he has lectured at University and is often engaged as a keynote motivational business speaker internationally.
Steve lives by his mantra…

"its your attitude that determines your altitude"

Friday, 24 February 2012

33801 ways to beat the recession and get a 130% pay rise

33801 ways to beat the recession and get a 130% pay rise

24 th February 2012, Sevenoaks
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mark N Hopgood: How I helped a 44 year old London Project Manager to get an extra full time income from part time activity.

[David pictured with his friend Steve Merrit's car]

MonaVie Executive Leader Mark N Hopgood describes how he helped raise the income of a London Project Manager.

The average wage in the UK is less than £30,000 with 50% of households earning less than £20,000 a year. Pay rises lag behind inflation, meaning that most people are less well off than this time last year. Not so in the case of David Ingham who formed a business partnership with Mark Hopgood.

Background to David
David was a director of a bakery in Captetown, South Africa. He sold his business and became a software consultant for Gulliver's Travel in London in 1999. He currently is a Project Manager for youth community project. "I'm looking for more free time, looking to get out of the rat race and debt. My dream is to build a holiday house in Capetown on the beach - Betty's Bay. My business partner, Mark Hopgood is an exceptional leader in getting other people to see their strengths and try new ventures. It's a great partnership where we can help other people, too! David Ingham, 44 from Stevenage, who works in London as a Project Manager

How Mark N Hopgood helped David
Mark introduced and mentored David in a 10 step leadership system developed by his friend and mentor Randy Schroeder who has earned over £15m in the last 19 years. Through Mark’s MonaVie opportunity David with the MonaVie program is close to Gold Executive level in the business.
According to the MonaVie income disclosure statement the average annualised income of a Gold Executive is £33801 - representing 130% of the median wage in the UK

At the current rate of interest (4%) you'd have to put £845,000.00 in the bank to earn that much per year. This is what Mark has helped David to achieve.

The next step is for Mark and David to continue their partnership. Who would stop at that?

If you are interested in finding out how you could benefit from MonaVie’s generous compensation plan and Mark N Hopgood’s training, please contact.

Mark N Hopgood and Mark N Hopgood on   07767 875 550

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Community Commerce - India awaits

India Awaits - Community Commerce.

The emerging economies are Brasil, Russia, India and China. I'm currently only doing business in India and Brasil out of these 4 'BRIC' countries. But, wow. The people we are attracting are hungry for change, ambitious and enterprising. I salute you.

We're finding that leadership is rare and we are attracting ambitious leaders who want to push themselves and their community to the next level.

For me, the term community commerce sums it up. You only have an economy where there is a community. Help your community and you help your wallet. This is truly the answer to the recession problem. Help others around you to earn more and everyone will benefit.

Join Community Commerce on Facebook

Contact Mark N Hopgood
UK 07767 875 550
USA 904 638 9046
skype: mark.hopgood

Saturday, 4 February 2012

2406 ways to beat the recession and get a pay rise within 2 weeks

2406 ways to beat the recession and get a pay rise within 2 weeks

4 th February 2012, Sevenoaks
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mark N Hopgood: How I helped a 54 year old Man from Portsmouth to get a pay rise in 2 weeks.

[Temporary Picture - actual picture of Steve to follow]

MonaVie Executive Leader Mark N Hopgood describes how he helped raise the income of a Portsmouth businessman in 2 weeks.

The average wage in the UK is less than £30,000 with 50% of households earning less than £20,000 a year. Pay rises lag behind inflation, meaning that most people are less well off than this time last year. Not so in the case of Steve Merritt who formed a business partnership  with Mark in January 2012.

Background to Steve
“Having run my own business for 25 years as a painter and decorator and having the Christmas present this year of a client company going bust owing me £12k, I decided there had to be something better.  Being a decorator I did my prep work and researched lots of companies and Monavie came out miles ahead. I joined with Mark and he showed me the system. You need systems when you’re decorating, I followed what Mark showed me and here I am.
My accountant told me that I would have to do £120,000 worth of work at 10% profit to gain back the £12k I lost at Christmas.....2 weeks it took me to get over £2k in MonaVie for a few hours a week.......no competition!” Steve Merritt, 54 from Portsmouth.

How Mark N Hopgood helped Steve
Mark introduced and mentored Steve in a 10 step system developed by his friend and mentor Randy Schroeder who has earned over £15m in the last 19 years. Through Mark’s MonaVie opportunity Steve, after 2 weeks with the MonaVie program is close to star500 level in the business.
According to the MonaVie income disclosure statement the average annualised income of a star500 is £2406 - representing 10% of the median wage in the UK

At the current rate of interest (4%) you'd have to put £50,000.00 in the bank to earn that much per year. This is what Steve achieved within one month.

The next step is for Mark and Steve to continue their partnership. Who would stop at that?

If you are interested in finding out how you could benefit from MonaVie’s generous compensation plan and Mark N Hopgood’s training, please contact.

Mark N Hopgood and Steve Merritt on   07767 875 550