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Saturday, 14 December 2013

The 3 ages of man - where are you on the Santa scale?

Reflections on 2013
At last I had a few minutes reflection on the year 2013. It has been a phenomenal year with myself and many others in my circles re-inventing themselves in order to step up to the plate and make a change in their lives. 

Fuelling the Fire
As many of you know I like to put others first, this is a major contributor to my success. It's like bob proctor says - you must do this - Imagine saying to the stove give me some heat,  then I'll put on some fuel. You must help people first and invest in people to bring out the best in them.

Will the real Father Christmas, please stand up?

The 3 ages of man
So, what does this have to do with the 3 ages of man. One of my inspirational mentors, Dallin Larsen was likened to Father Christmas. This reminded me of a Christmas card my father in law was given 6 years ago.

The 3 ages of man..

1. You believe in Father Christmas
2. You don't believe in Father Chritmas
3. You are Father Christmas

Isn't it the same with dreams, business and making money.
Belief, Denial, Be

1. Some people have a dream when they are young and are full of belief.
2. Then along the way they get discouraged and settle for less than their dreams
3. Some break through, dust off their dreams and step up to be 

So, if you haven't stepped up and become the true Father Christmas, why not now?

Mark N Hopgood is a leader in personal development and a LinkedIn influencer who enjoys putting others first.

or if you like in lowercase
merry christmas and here's to a fantastic 2014

Contact Mark to discuss the possibilities. Email:  mark@hopgood.eu and say hi. We'll take it from there.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Out of hours Kevin

A test page for something very exciting coming up

3 top tips for making money from anything - including staying in bed!

I was inspired by my friend Avram Gonzalez who introduced me to the concept of making money doing what I loved best.

Their formula led to making money, irrespective of what they blogged about. I took that one stage further and started helping others to make more money doing what they are passionate about.

So I have 2 great passions.
1. Helping people
2. Resting in bed until the afternoon

So I decided that I would help people to do more of what they enjoyed doing, too!

Take Sarah, my friend who is into Yoga so much, she decided to make a living out of it. She trained to be a yoga teacher and then with my assistance helped to fill classes using my system. My system comprises a social media engine that combined with a longer lasting marketing system, allows you to promote your business.

Don't have a business? No worries. You have 2 options.

1. Start one.
2. Use my formula which allows you to make money out of what you love.

So here's my top 3 tips for making money out of anything.
There is a catch, however. If you are passionate about what you do, then you will be more successful. Not so passionate, not so successful. Ask me if you are not sure and my coaching program can help you find your passion.

1. If you are passionate about something, you will be happy to tell people about it - passionately!

There are many ways of keeping in touch with people now.
Phone (for chatty people)
Text (for busy people)
Youtube (for pretty people)
Blog (for people good at typing)
Twitter (for busy people)
Facebook (for fun people)
Linkedin (for business people)
Advertising (for traditional people)
And of course there are face to face - calling on peoples houses or going out for coffee.
There's also giveaways - leaflets through to direct mail and prizes.
So lets say you are passionate about dogs. And you love keeping in touch with your friends on facebook. There's a powerful way that you can combine the 2 and make money with both. You'll be happy to share your news, pictures and stories about dogs with your friends on facebook.
Pick something you are passionate about. That way you will be more likely to keep going and be more successful.

2. Use all the help you can get. From people and online systems.

I started my business in 1994. Helping people and of course trying out different beds as I travelled round the world doing it. The internet wasn't around then so I had to rely on the phone. Now I use my secret system combined with some special tools (which I am happy to share with you) that help me to do more business and free me up to spend more time with my passions.
So make sure you align yourself with people that are willing to help you and have working knowledge of the systems that will automate your money making.

3. Start today. Don't delay.

If you think you can put something off until the future, don't. The more you get into the habit of doing today what you could put off til tomorrow, the more natural or second nature it becomes.
I spent over 18 months developing the software which can make money online. I spent time each night after work researching learning and applying. This allowed me to test and now I am able to offer this to you.
Even if you can only type or say "my name is Dave and I like minecraft. Here's my favourite video."
Then doing this once a day everyday will lead to massive success using my system. Compare that with doing nothing. Result: nothing!
So my third tip is to do a little and often. That way you get into the habit.
Follow me on twitter.
Find out about my money making system by downloading my free 10 page e-book.

Try a 90 day dare today! Follow my system and see how it changes your life.

Mark N Hopgood is an entrepreneur who is passionate about helping people, and having a lie in until midday. As a night owl he helps people with an extra income in the evenings.
contact mark@hopgood.eu for more information

Friday, 14 June 2013

How do I delete my blog in blogger or blogspot?

I tried to create a new blog last weekend and uncovered a flaw in blogspot. You can only have a certain number of blogs.

Google asked me to delete a blog to make way for my new one, or create a new account.

So I researched how to delete a blog - there is an option.

In the blogger dashboard, click settings, then other. In the blog tools section, there is a link to "Delete blog"

However, this got me thinking. If this blog isn't performing for me, why not rename it and reuse it. If it has been available to search engines for a while surely there must be an advantage. So that's what I am going to do.

In the end I decided to keep the name of the blog and just put my new content on. I believe in search engine friendly content, so lets see how it goes.

The new (old blog) is

Sunday, 19 May 2013

No secret - my simple formula for success

Here it is. I now reveal what it is that I do in order to ensure my ongoing success.

Success means different things to different people, so here's mine.

Success = more money = more freedom = more time with family

So here's what I do.

1. Pick a day every week where I will dedicate to my family.

2. Pick a time every day when I will dedicate half an hour to increasing my income.

3. Every day I research and choose a single person who I believe has the qualities to succeed.

4. I invite that special person to look at the project I am working on.

5. This is a crucial step. If they are a "tire kicker" who is just interested in taking a look then at this point they will qualify themselves out. Fail the interview if you like.

However most people are genuinely wanting change in their lives and will dedicate 5 minutes of their time to really look and ask questions.

Common questions at this point are how do you make money? How can I get started?

Most questions can be answered by a link with information from our knowledge base. We will always introduce people to those more successful than us in the team.

That's it. Pretty simple but it's not easy dedicating time each day to your success.


Contact me if you are open to more information.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

when the love vs war battle was won

Looking at Google ngrams - a fascinating site that searches through many books for the occurrance of words in books.

3 searches I did

1. occurrances of love vs war

In 1931 war dominates love and continues to dominate from that time on.

2. zombies vs vampires vs werewolves - and the winner is.

In 1995 zombies overtook werewolves, but vampires have always dominated

Enjoy your own ngrams search.
Post your responses below...

p.s. ipad is a term used in books from the 1800s according to ngrams!

another endorsement of my 'robots' strategy

If you are promoting a business - having a 'robot' to do work for you is another tool in your arsenal that helps you to succeed.

Following on from my post about tools systems and robots, one of my mentors, Eric Worre put a video together talking about the power of using tools, focusing less on wasting time, but making more quality conversations.

It couldn't come at a more perfect time.

Here's the video

Using my online tools, you can connect with more people.
Download my free 18 page e-book now at http://invite4you.com/lazy

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The 1/3 1/3 1/3 rule

I love mentors, they come up with some great info, rules and sayings that I use to my benefit.
So my recent mentor in business building introduced me to a concept which I would like to share with you.
1/3 1/3 1/3
When building a business, be it traditional business, MLM, Community Commerce, Network Marketing, affiliate marketing or online promotion, the best people to prospect are...
Those already in business. Here's why..
1/3 are happy in what they are doing
1/3 are doing ok but are not happy
1/3 are struggling and looking  for a new team / opportunity / mentor
So basically 2/3 of the business owners you contact will actually be looking for something better.
How to contact these people en mass?
Download my ebook at
Let's get started!

3 million dollar tips on growing a business

Here's 3 of my top tips on how to build a business online.

1. How do I engage with my prospects (potential customers)?

That's the word. Engage. This means asking questions. Speaking at a human level. Keep it friendly and be interested in them.

Talk about

Occupation (work - how's the boss?)
Recreation (do you get time for hobbies? What's your favourite activity)
Motivation (what motivates you. What's your priority in life)

If you combine questions with a business system then you do not have to talk business, you can keep things friendly and then using a powerful system you can get a machine to run the business for you.

2. How can I get more results with the limited time I have? Do more with less?
This is where a system comes into place. The Internet is powerful and has a series of software robots that can do much of your work for you. Android phones and apple phones and tablets such as ipad, kindle fire etc. are computers that can have software loaded on them that acts as a robot, doing your work for you. Social media is a set of software robots that will help you to build your business too.

I have accumulated over 60 robots to help me with building my business. Combined with my e-book and guide, this can help you to build your business.

3. Get a set of robots to work for you 
Simply download my book by clicking the red button on the right or directly here.

Where can I get started ? Building an online business or set of robots to build for me?
Just download the book and let's get started

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Thank you Mr Green for the iPad giveaway idea.

STOP Ignoring Angles! – a guest post by Mr.Green! Prologue.

This week I tested a new angle. It bombed, was in the red. However I tried to take a positive out of that campaign, I found the lander had a decent CTR.

So next I tried the same kind of offer, with the same layout lander, but with a different angle. It destroyed, it turned into a $16,000+ day campaign within two days.

Chapter 1 – “The Awakening”. Over the past few weeks I have been coaching Team ASP for The F5 Hunger Games. At the start we were discussing angles, I was very surprised to find that not many people put much focus on angles. What do I mean by a “different angles”?

Lets say you have an iPad giveaway offer, some angles for that are; weekly winner, quiz, survey, or a simple iPad giveaway.

For dating, some angles are; exclusivity, privacy and niche appeal.

Every single offer that uses a pin submit as a form of monetization is leveraging a different angle; ringtones, quizzes, giveaway, battery offer, dating, wallpapers.

The beauty of split testing angles is in most cases you don’t need to redesign a whole new lander around it.

You just need to switch up the copy.

Chapter 2 – “Unfashionable”. After giving feedback to quiet a few campaigns. I’ve noticed some trends. Most affs prioritize their split tests like this: - make a couple of ads. - make one lander/angle. - check results. - split test a different lander titles. - split test lander images. - check results. - make a few more different ads. - check results. - split test call to action buttons on the lander. - check results.

Usually by that point affs would either pack it in because they aren’t profitable, or will be happy that they are profiting and try to spend more.

 I’m not saying that strategy is completely wrong… However a strategy that has worked very well for me goes a little like: - make a few ads. - make one lander/angle. - check results. - If profitable or break even, if losing split test with a different angle. - check results. - make a few more ads.

**Only until I am break even or profitable, I will start changing minor things on my landers. Yes that does mean a more effort off the bat, but the pay days and margins make it all the more worth while.

Chapter 3 – “Resurrecting The Dead”. Thinking up angles don’t only apply to new campaigns. Numerous times I have revived “dead” campaigns by flipping the angle on that shit.

STM guide examples:

Enhance rebill campaign with male perspective died.

Resurrected with female perspective. That started dieing.

Resurrected with scientific twist.

Music quiz ringtones campaign died.

Resurrected with movie and tv show themes.

Daily deal “70% off” campaign died.

Resurrected with focus on low prices instead of discounts.

Pet campaign “Get a dog training job” died.
 Resurrected by focusing on potential wages and not the actual job.

Battery app campaign “Improve your battery life” died.
Resurrected by focusing on not letting peoples batteries die.

I could go all day!

Chapter 4 – “It’s All You”.
Some of you already now this, only a few will act. Don’t excuse yourself from not doing it because you don’t think you are creative. Google is one click away. I’m not writing this for the sake of writing. It’s something that I focus on a lot with my personal campaigns.

I know my Hunger Games crew started to financially see the benefits of taking time to understand and implement different angles. Angles are your friends, but some of you are ignoring them. Learn to love them, and they will love you back and pay you in USDs.

Mark's Marvellous Pancakes - recipe update 2013

Are Mark's Marvellous pancakes the best in the world?

Here's what guests to my home say about them.

"Mark's pancakes are the stuff of legend" Jay

"Yummy" Ned

"Delicious, light and fluffy" Sue

To get a copy of the recipe and free coaching on how to make these perfect pancakes, contact mark directly on mark@hopgood.eu

Friday, 5 April 2013

DDVBB = drinks must be really popular - or are they?

Dear Internet,

Wow, Thank you!

My last post doubled my daily visits to my blog.

Why am I so pleased you may ask?

Double Daily Visitors Build Business

Yes, the more visits to my blog the better.

Here's a piccy about how my max went from 80 something to over 173.

On the computer screen is a firefox browser with my blogger stats showing how I have doubled the visitors to my blog with one post about drinks and network marketing.
Doubling my Daily Visitors to my blog - building business

Now that blog post was about drinks, BUT!

It could have been about anything. 

You see it's more about the PASSION in your writing and actions.

Is it more about your passion?


Here's a few questions

Do you have a blog?
Do you have a webpage?
Do you want more visitors?
Do you have a way of measuring how many visitors to your page and where they come from?
Do you have a business?
Would more visitors to your webpage increase the chances of you doing more business?
Do you have a system to capture details of potential customers?
Are you attracting visitors with a giveaway?

Connect with Team Of Amazing People and download our free e-book on attracting visitors to your site.

Download from the above link now.

[VIDEO] - David ledoux power phrases revisited (MLM Remix 2013)

Whatever your beverage, I like to pour mine in a ceramic mug. Its the smoothness on my lips.

Anyway I was getting carried away there.

Whatever beverage you are promoting be it energy, weight loss or just yum tasty, here's a tip.

You can get your beverage for free. You can make money with your beverage.
You can share with friends and they can get it for free, too!

With any consumable when it runs out, people buy it again and this can generate a long term income. If you currently earn one income or more.

Friends will see you with more energy and excitement.
International Energy - we have drinks or beverages available in UK, Russia, Poland or USA

Oh did I mention there is a free e-book on how to make money with your chosen beverage, whatever it is.
Click on this... http://invite4you.com/lazy and enter your details.

Free drinks, more income, more energy. Don't just do it, live it!

Number 1 tip to double traffic to your blog and make more money online

As the founder of Team Of Amazing People, I get to try out all the latest tips and techniques before passing the good ones on to my team. It's my duty to help others succeed in getting more people to view their blog, which in turn leads to more people joining up. Every blogger in our team has the ability to earn unlimited profit share on our lead capture and email automation systems.

HootSuite Pro - try social media dashboard
So, how do I get more traffic to my blog and automatically gain extra money from their signing up to our system? Well I simply contact more people through social media.

Now I hate being on the computer rather than being with my family, so I use powerful automation tools. Software robots that do stuff for me while I relax.

That's the hidden power of the internet that you can now take advantage of.

Using a powerful tool such as HootSuite, you can automate the sending of messages to all your social networks. Don't scrimp on the free version, it simply doesn't have the features that will enable you to make money.


Get your free trial of HooteSuite pro now and we will help you build your online business by increasing your visitors to your blog.

Join Team Of Amazing People

Get your free trial of HootesuitePro and we will show you how to double your blog visitors and get more money for your online business.

Mark Hopgood is the founder of Team Of Amazing People - a social media profit group. Join the wave of people who have options on how they earn and what they earn. Using the power of the internet.

HootSuite Pro - try social media dashboard HootSuite Pro - Free 30 Day Trial

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Never Lose Photos Again - free trial of unlimited photo and data backup to the cloud

Never Lose Photos Again - unlimited backup storage on the web

Last week I was approached by Laura from a company which offers a unique backup service.

I've lost data (music, documents and photos) before, both at work and home so it was interesting to hear what Laura said about this.

Basically, any folders you choose ( my photos, my music, client work, my website files ) get backed up to the internet in in a secure cloud.

I asked about 2 things. How much (data) and how much (cost). Laura explained to me that the small size ( 1tb ) would cost me £4.99 a month, medium size ( 2tb ) would be £9.99 a month and large ( unlimited ) would be £12.99 a month.

I not only wanted the system but I knew that there were other people I know who could benefit.

I wanted to promote this system so I struck a deal. Laura offered me 50 unlimited accounts that I could offer to anyone in my network who was willing to join their Facebook group. As a result I now have just 48 backup accounts for the reduced price of just £4.99 a month. There is a 7 day free trial available. Of course Sue and I jumped at the chance and set ours up.

This kind of service is ideal for people who can't afford to lose their photos and data.

If you know anyone who would like to take advantage of this offer, grab a free trial by emailing me direct and I will send you the links.
My email is mark@hopgood.eu

Click the link above to connect with me on facebook and send me a message.
I will send you a link to set up your account.
Here's to you enjoying peace of mind when it comes to backing up your photos music videos and data.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Flaky nation, flaky people?

A rival company is helping me a lot at the moment.

Firstly I saw the co founder of an organisation talk about people not turning up for meetings because we live in a flaky nation.

Does this mean that there are flaky people?

Also I hear reports of one representative of the business talking of nay sayers and grumbling about 'flakers' who don't turn up to meetings.

I reckon there are 2 types of people in the world. Those that flake out and those that do what they say and stay the distance.

One thing that I show people how to achieve in my e-book is how to attract the right kind of people. Not flakers, but doers.

Yes there are flakers. The nation is not flaky but it sure helps if you have a set of positive people helping you attract more positive doers.

Download my book, and join team of amazing people. You might just learn how to upgrade someone from a flaky slug watching TV to an ambitious business builder.


Friday, 22 March 2013

Why MLM = Most Lose Money but it doesn't have to be that way

There are 2 main reasons that the majority of people that join MLM don't make money.

That which can be measured can be improved. 
Most MLM newbies can't.measure the results of their activity and they can't improve. What's worse is that their upline can't offer suggestions because they haven't got a clue how to measure and drive traffic to their website. Another problem is that the opportunity website is often complicated. A promotional website must focus on one thing otherwise people get lost.

Here's where team of amazing people come in.
We show people how to make a simple lead capture website based on a powerful system. They can measure and test improvements.

It doesn't matter what business they have.

Here's an example of a member of the team ramping up their visits to their website.
See the picture. If.you would like such a growth then download.the.free.book on how to do it.

Since employing the Team Of Amazing People system, one of our members has increased his blog visitors from less than 100 to 1000 in a week. 

Mark N Hopgood helps people to build businesses online using blogging and social media.
Download his free e-book at Http://invite4you.com/lazy or contact Mark directly at mark@hopgood.eu

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Introducing the 90 day dare. I dare you! Will you accept?

A 90 day dare is where a friend issues you a challenge.

If you accept, then over the next 90 days you will be doing something different.
You will be changing one thing in your life and acting differently to achieve your goal.

Why 90 days? After doing anything daily for 90 days it will turn into habit.

To get started you just need to decide what you want to change, then contact us by joining our facebook group (details below)

Here are some of the 90 day dares I have set myself in the past.

Previous 90 day dares (Mark N Hopgood)

MSI - learning how to create multiple streams of income.

Working with adults and improve my telephone skills (was a school teacher)

4 x salary - increasing my salary 4 fold by applying new a new skill each day.

Become a manager / have my own branch - by doing what was expected of the manager for 90 days.

Current 90 Day Dares (Mark N Hopgood)

My current 90 Day Dare is to walk 1 hour a day for exercise.
I started off with 30 mins and walk an extra 20 seconds per day until 1 hour a day. At the end of 90 days I will be in better shape and ready for the next challenge..

I log my walks on map my walk - here's an example..

What other friends are doing for their 90 Day Dares
Let me know if you are interested in accepting any of these dares 

Losing weight by following a 90 day step by step program - leading to permanent change.
(Matt, David)

Learning how to build a business online by blogging each day
(Marion, Wojciech)


90 Day Dare Facebook group

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

What's better? Social Media or Cold Calling when it comes to business building

As I had a quiet morning, I thought I would have a look at traditional businesses and flicked through the yellow pages and thomson local directory just to see how web savvy the businesses are.

I devised a scale indicating a business' comittment to communication with their customers.

Level 1: they have a phone number
Level 2: they have more than a basic ad
Level 3: they have a website
Level 4: they display their email address
Level 5: they display a twitter account
Level 6: they display their facebook page

Level 1-4 is all about having the immediacy - potential customers can contact you when they need the goods or services you provide.

Approx 1% display an email address.
None had a twitter of facebook page displayed. This shows a real lack of awareness of potential from social media.

Here's why having a social media page / twitter account in addition is superior.

Third party credibility and recommendation. Facebook and twitter are not owned by the business, they are independent. As a result other people can post comments on the page. This shows that the business is willing to accept feedback.

Engagement. If a person sees a facebook and twitter ID, then there is a good chance that they are showing willing to communicate with their potential customers on a regular basis. In otherwords having a regular engagement or relationship with their audience. This is positive and beneficial to the business because they also have the benefit of word of mouth.

Leverage. There is only so much effort you can place in building your business, so using the internet and other people (fans) to share the load is a bonus. Facebook and Twitter have features that allow you to access on a regular basis many more people.

The only disadvantage of Facebook and Twitter is that it is not so long lasting, so coupled with a blog, your social media presence can have longevity. Someone who follows your social media post back to a blog post will also be able to see your progression.

If you would like to discover more about making more money using the internet, you may download the e-book by visiting http://invite4you.com/Lazy
Enter your details and you will receive the e-book link in your email inbox.

p.s. what does this article have to do with cold calling? Cold calling is a very singular event. In 99% of cases is just a fleeting moment. Social media allows you to draw a customer in to your business and by connecting in a 'warm' way, when your potential customer is ready, they will buy from you.

Set up your own marketing system online and get Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter to work for you.

Mark N Hopgood is an entrepreneur who helps others build businesses online.
His linkedin profile is officially in the top 1% of most viewed accounts. Linkedin is a community of 200 million professionals from around the world.

Connect with mark..
Follow mark on twitter @marknhopgood

Sunday, 17 March 2013

5 new learnings from a power packed weekend

Sue and I usually invest in our personal development on a daily basis by reading, listening to audio books and sharing with each other and our blogs.

From a team perspective when new team members join our "Team Of Amazing People" we always have a powerful arsenal of tools, resources and strategies to assist.

But there are times when a leader emerges and that's when and why we travel every 6 months to our mastermind group meeting.

We bring a small group of ambitious people with us.

So far we have been to.

Orlando x 2
London x 12
Paris, France
Warsaw, Poland
Lisbon, Portugal

Next stop Moscow, Russia.
(looking for 3 people to travel with us for that personal development event)

So what we're the top 5 learnings of the Lisbon event. I make notes and took audio recordings so I could playback in the car.

The key notes were.

1. Stand in front of the mirror and say to yourself..
"you are awesome"  multi millionaire Todd Hartog

2. Rephrase what you say. Rather than saying "I can't do that", ask yourself or your mentors "how can I achieve that?"

3. Ask of yourself and others, "where do you want to get to? How good do you want to be?" Don't assume anything. This way you can help others achieve exactly what they want.
Henry Marsh 4 times Olympian.

4. Think of an egg. If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If an egg is broken from the inside then life begins.

Great things happen from the inside.
Piotr, multi millionaire.

5. Put your family and relationships before your business and job.

Ok so there's a quick summary. Sue and I have developed a business model that can be used by people wishing to develop their lives personally financially and physically. Allowing people to gain a second income while preserving their family values.

It all starts with downloading our ebook and  getting to know us. We'd love to help you!


The above is a link to the free ebook download.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Plan and blog from anywhere

So here I am on the plane to Lisbon for what is going to be an amazing convention.

How do I know it will be amazing?
Because I have decided, but also it will be a time to connect with friends old and new from around the world. Some I will be meeting for the first time.

The quality of the training will be great. Leaders will present their journeys and we will all share our experiences.

But most of all there will be a fantastic benefit for you. Whether you know me or not, as I sit here next to my wonderful wife Sue, I just know that the information we collect on this trip, we will be happy to share with you.

If you are willing to make a change in your life for the better then connect with us ny entering your details now at

Our powerful system for building a business online is suitable for people starting out or wanting to build an existing business online.

We provide all the training.
Here's to your success.

2 precious ways of keeping your savings intact


A couple of years ago, I met Robert Kiyosaki as part of his Rich Dad weekend. One person I wanted to see was Mike Maloney. Unfortunately Mike was not there at the weekend. Robert explained that Mike and him had fallen out over a couple of issues and Robert felt that Mike should not attend.

I believe the reason Mike was excluded from the event was that in contrast to the stock market education, Mike was going to show how currency was becoming less and less valuable so why use vehicles that use it for investment.

Mike's story is about discovering the value of Gold and Silver. I was looking for a way to invest in gold and silver and it took me a while to find the company I was happy with. Please watch the video and then click the link below to view information about bullion vault and do your research.

So far I have invested in Silver and Gold. It is free to set up an account and to track gold prices to see how they have done over the last 5, 10 years. Check out the link below..



how can you get the info for a blog post each day

This should really be a blog post, but hey I thought I would send it direct to you.

So how do I get the info for a daily blog post?

I get inspired each day. I either listen to audio books ( i spend 3 hours in my private university a.k.a. car ) or meet with inspirational people or attend events.

I make notes.

Perhaps you don't do these things, so how can you get the same?

Simple, just re-use mine.

Start your post with, just heard a great story from my mentor Mark or

Just received this today.

Then copy paste, job done.

All you have to do is change the capture page address. 2 minutes a day max. MAX

Anyway if you haven't got your system up and running that's good because there are now so many more posts to copy.

Download and get started today.

p.s. did I say yesterday was a record - 105 hits to my blog for free!
Tonight an extra 551 people will see this post. You could benefit.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

90 days to success in anything - why? (at 4:00 all is revealed)

 This week I was honoured when an entrepreneur from the USA flew to the UK to meet me. The reason? Having seen my progress in developing systems to help people grow businesses on line, Phil wanted to form an alliance. Here's the story and the significance of 90 days.


If you too are looking at using leverage - i.e. making more with less.
Feel free to download my e-book and start following the principles for 90 days.
You will ifind your life is completely different - for the better.

If you are not using leverage and not doing something different for 90 days, you could be eaten for lunch by the competition!

Download the e-book here

Monday, 11 March 2013

making money as an internet ad / blog poster

Recently I have been growing my business in Lisbon, Portugal. A few interesting things happened as a result of myself and my team promoting a couple of vacancies we had for leaders.

Firstly our team booked our tickets for the meeting, then we started promoting. A few bites from entrepreneurs in Lisbon, but also a multi lingual Londoner looking to build a team internationally and a power hungry mum who recruited in new zealand.

This is the hidden power of the internet. If your ad or blog post is setup in the correct way, it can be found by anyone. It must be niche enough so that it can be found. Anyway our system allows you to make money by posting ads on free websites, blogging and many other ways.

Step 1 is to set up our system.
Step 2 is to advertise - post the ad or create the specific traffic to your system website.
Step 3 of the people who submit their information on your squeeze page website, some will be leadership material (they will follow your instructions and set up a system). These are the people who will get invited to the next level. A promotion if you will. The requirement is that they are keen and are coachable, following each step of the e-book.

Anyway here's the ad that can be posted online in various places such as viva street, friday ad, craigs list, gumtree etc. If you wish to use the following system, download the e-book first and get going.

Title: Part time internet ad poster - full training given

Content: Perhaps you already have a job but are good with using the internet. Perhaps you have a spare hour or so a week and are looking for an extra income.

By posting ads on the internet and or creating an online diary you will be able to create a regular monthly income.

Skills required are

* Dedication
* Willingness to succeed
* Coachable (willing to learn)

Full training will be given after a short induction followed by an interview where we will discover your needs and help you to achieve them.

In the first instance, download the e-book from the following web address.

Please read through the pages, follow each step where necessary and we will contact you within a week to talk about the next stages.

This opportunity will allow you to work from home with hours to suit you.

Posted by Mark Hopgood, Director


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Simple message on making websites that work

Free KnockKnock ebook now available

Knock Knock is now available for you to read for free. It's a short take on how to use the new online marketing tools to make any website work more effectively.
You'll notice on the second page of the PDF that there's a link that makes it easy to contribute to the Red Cross. I hope you'll take advantage of that.
Here's the file. It's sort of large, so if you want to post it on your own site, or email it to your friends, please go right ahead. I'll post a list of other sites that are hosting it as soon as you send me the URL where you've posted.  The only rules are no changes, no commerce.
[Apparently, there's a server problem. Please get the file from a mirror site (below). Thanks.]
I'm going to post the sequel to this one (I hope you can guess the title) this weekend. That's why I encourage you to follow the RSS feed instructions on the second page of the ebook.
Happy reading. Spread the word.

That was from Seth Godin. Brought to you by Mark Hopgood
Download my free ebook on makIng money with the Internet here http://invite4you.com/lazy

Friday, 8 March 2013

DREAM your way to ultimate health

A couple of years ago I met a doctor who had spend most of his career researching nutrition and long life.

The conclusion he came to was summarised on a single slide of his presentation
In order to live a ling life you must have 4 features. Imagine a page divided into 4.


All these things you must do in order to live longer. If you currently are not getting the right amounts of these 4 essential components.then you must Aspire to better health and long life.

Hydration is important. Make sure you have water with you throughout the day or have access to a shop or tap.

An ideal amount of uninterrupted sleep is 7 hours. This allows not only mental recuperation but physical recovery.

Having 5 a day is about having enough antioxidants so that your body can stay healthy. Are you eating enough of the right food each and every day.

Even though you may not have the perfect amount of all you need, your mental mapping is going to help with the change.that is needed. Make a list of all you want to achieve and display in a prominent position in your home. The more you see your list, the more aligned you will become.

You do not need to do a marathon each day. In fact as long as you don't spend all day in bed or sitting in a chair. Even walking around for a few minutes every couple of hours will mean the difference between poor and better health.

"All beget all". Even if you focus on just one of these attributes you will start to notice change in other areas of your life.

Mark N Hopgood is an Entrepreneur specialising in health and making money on the internet.
Download his free e-book here http://invite4you.com/lazy

Monday, 4 March 2013

With one condition you can make money from anything

Some quality time spent with my family revealed a hidden passion and meeting of minds.

The result, a powerful business launch.

So I was with my sons and we were having chats about all sorts of things. The conversation came round to business.

I said to my son
"Studying in school will enable you to get a great job with a nice income. In addition to a job you could have a business."

Interest piqued, we then talked about how much exactly you could earn. "Imagine you have a salary let's say it's 100 gold coins. Now imagine you have a business with 10 people who each earn you an extra 10% of your salary. How much do you earn now?"

10% x 10 that's an extra 100 percent. I'd double my salary.

Yes, so how much could a business earn you?

Well 100%

Yes, if you stopped at 10 people. Why stop? Why not 20, 40, 100 in your team.
So, how much could you earn?

Unlimited but what could I start a business on?

Anything, but it must be something you really enjoy doing. That way you are more likely to succeed. What do you really enjoy doing? What's your favourite thing?


We then went on to describe how to make money with Minecraft. There was one part that my son didn't fully understand and that was how to set up a website, the squeeze page and develop the php autoresponder.

"No worries.", I said. "That part of the system I have invented and can offer to you and anyone you introduce."

The system I then drew on the white board made sense and I asked my son how much it was worth to him.

"Easily 100 gold coins. Or more."

"OK, now what if you could sell the system on to others?", I said.

"Well then unlimited. So I will be driving to sixth form in a Ferrari?"

"If you want", I said.

So now we are working on the e-book of the system that can be used to make money using Minecraft. A picture of the overview of the system is enclosed below.

the making money using minecraft system we put together   
 In the e-book we are working on, there will be an explaination of all the components.

If you want to pre-order the making money on minecraft e-book and system, please email. MyMoneyCraft@invite4you.com Or enter your details at. Http://invite4you.com/lazy

The e book will be free and your first month of using the system will be free allowing you to fully test it out and use our mentoring. Here's to your success!

How about making money with something you don't like?

Ok so maybe my last post wasn't entirely truthful.
It is possible to make money doing something you don't enjoy. Most of us do so every day.

We do many things we don't want to because we have bills to pay and families to help.

However there's no reason why we can't make more money while we are doing the things we don't like.

Take for example my main money making activity. I spend time with potential clients helping them meet their needs. I get totally lost in my role and completely forget time. I love it, however I have to travel a lot.
I'm currently sitting in a service station on the way back from an appointment. I have my coffee and snack (cheeky RVL bar snook over from USA) , bluetooth keyboard and I'm tapping away writing this blog, knowing that as a result of it, more people will see my business opportunity ( http://invite4you.com/lazy ) and find out about Team Of Amazing People.

There is one thing I don't like doing so much which is driving for over 4 hours a day. I use this time to increase my income even further. Here's how.

Firstly I've turned my car into a university - I have all the audio CDs and MP3s in my AMI (Audio A5 Bang and Olufsen Stereo) and listen to them on my journey.

Secondly I've turned my car into an advertising board.
The sign on the back says "join Team Of Amazing People today & earn while you drive".

So even though I don't love everything I do, I do maximise the earning potential from every activity.
And maximise the learning opportunity - to your benefit.

Follow Team Of Amazing People at

Saturday, 2 March 2013

5 features of a more attractive blog post

While looking to write my next blog post on DREAMing your way to health (more on that later) I opened up my team blogging system.

I noticed that my friend Wojciech had written a post that could do with a few tweaks.
He'd asked me to look at his next post and make suggestions as to how to improve it and attract more visitors.

Rather than telling Woj about his post I thought I would address the post in a blog post. Let's start with the original post.

MyLeadCompany is great

MyLeadCompany is simply amazing! Lead Capture System is simple and user friendly and yet very powerful program! I Proved it many times! using this system and was able to be listed in top recruiters list! MLC Thank you! Thank you J.R.

Please join me, together we will succeed. http://wojtas22.myleadcompany.com 

My first reaction was to break the post into seperate parts and follow AIDA


That's the role of the subject line. The post has at least 5 points in it so I thought that I would have a bit of fun with linkbait. I'm also thinking about the next part of AIDA (Interest). I used to use LinkbaitGenerator.com for some fun suggestions for titles and In their style I came up with.

5 ways MyLeadCompany can stop you failing financially and become successful.

Consider the 2 - which do you think will get more hits?

MyLeadCompany is great


5 ways MyLeadCompany can stop you failing financially and increase success rates.

Now to address the content.

Interest, Desire and Action (last parts of AIDA) are needed. Action is the link so it was important to make it a clickable link. In other words if it is plain text then the visitor will have to copy and paste into browser. If they are on a smart phone then most will not follow. Easy to rectify in blogger, just select the URL (web address and then click Link on the menu bar.

I like to write in a talkative way - just like if I was in the room with you having a chat. That's the way to write copy for blogs: like you are having a chat with someone. So in blog posts I like to have a story (just like at the beginning).

Here's how the post could have been re written:

5 ways MyLeadCompany can stop you failing financially and become successful.

I'd been looking for a way to make money online and had been checking out various systems. I became friends with Mark N Hopgood online who has been an entrepreneur for 20 years and we explored a couple of options. I joined Mark with My Lead company which was free to join and explore before I decided to put my efforts into it.

As I don't have a degree in physics and computing (like most people) I was impressed that the web interface was easy to use. I liked the little pictures that helped you to find your way. However, what really impressed me was when I got an email from the founder saying that my business position had grown in size (over 4,565 people had joined under me and could potentially earn me money). The work I had put in to learning how to blog and attract people to my blog system (provided by Mark N Hopgood) had paid off.

I decided to buy a lead package on a regular basis which served 2 purposes. I could see that more people were joining my team and I could see income coming into my e-wallet. In addition I had hundreds of leads to contact and share this wonderful opportunity.

Since then I have become a top recruiter in MLC and can't wait to become financially free.

If you liked finding out about my experience and you are interested in working with us and succeeding in an online business, contact me by completing your details now at.


original post

MyLeadCompany is simply amazing! Lead Capture System is simple and user friendly and yet very powerful program! I Proved it many times! using this system and was able to be listed in top recruiters list! MLC Thank you! Thank you J.R.

Please join me, together we will succeed. http://wojtas22.myleadcompany.com 

AIDA with a story plus some third party mentions with less superlatives make for a blog post that is more readable and geniune.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

How Wojciech has helped me to become a better person and grow my business

Part of my purpose on this planet is to help others. Even better than helping people is answering requests from people who want to learn.

One such person is my friend Wojciech. We have never met in person but we talk daily on the internet. We have become friends and business partners. Wojciech is always daily asking about new ideas and wanting to do the best that he can with his blog ( http://22wojtas.blogspot.co.uk/ )

This is inspiring but also the answers I give help to challenge and help me to grow, too.

Wojciech's blog highlights his journey towards a new way of earning money on the internet.

Here's to helping more people. As Bob Proctor says, "He who has the most toys when they die is still dead. It's not what we have but who we become"

Are you focusing on yourself, improving yourself or helping others?

Sunday, 24 February 2013

"I make money online by telling people how I make money" - you can too!

I was recently reading one of my mentor's blogs about making money online.
This is where you use the power of the internet to gather business automatically or semi-automatically. Many people are looking for ways of boosting their income, so when Seth Godin says don't search online for ways or "how to make money online" because you might get a scam page.

I think Seth is right. Really you should look for someone you can trust and connect with. We're talking online earning here so the person you get your information from you must trust - at least a little.

How I have created a level of trust.

1. I don't charge for my information - that's right, even though info is currency (it is the information age after all) I prefer to offer my knowledge free of charge because information is only useful to those who apply it. I don't want to rip people off by selling them something they never use. I only want to work with ambitious people who are willing to work with me. Becoming a business partner if you will.
2. I make my business systems available to my business partners. When it comes to making the decision - i.e. act then I can set them up with excactly the same system that I use. With 2 twists.
3. Firstly I make my system available to my business partners for half the monthly price that I pay for it.
4. Secondly I allow my business partners to resell my system. Allowing them a proven business model for gathering partners of their own.

Using a system like this means that a potential business partner of mine gets to see the entire system and my knowledge up front. Nothing is hidden.

If helping people with a trusted and proven system for generating an income online is for you, make sure you click the red button on the right.

You will be downloading my e-book and reading about the system before deciding to act. If you are not willing to move forward then that's great. We haven't wasted each others' effort or money. The system is powerful in that it allows you to leverage your time.

Once again click the red button or download from http://invite4you.com/lazy

Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/TeamOfAmazingPeople

To your success

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Only just missed the top 10 position

I received the January report for one of my associate companies and found that I had reached the 11th position.

It would have been better to get in the top 10 but the simple fact was that I wasn't focusing on the rewards, just the daily disciplines.

Here's the photo of my results..

As with all things in life I like to do my best and find that the rewards come from engaging in the activities that the leaders advise.

In addition to this, my daily activity of writing ideas for my blog so that I may blog 3 times a week is generating long lasting income. The leverage from having an online system selling on my behalf is very powerful.

I share the details of my online system openly. Simply click the red button on the right and follow the steps within my e-book to join Team Of Amazing People.

Or contact me: mark@hopgood.eu or visit http://invite4you.com/lazy

Пожалуйста, прости перевод, если есть ошибки Ищу людей, которые хотят заработать деньги в Интернете

Пожалуйста, прости перевод, если есть ошибки Ищу людей, которые хотят заработать деньги в Интернете. . Я ищу кого-то, кто может соединиться со мной на facebook, так что я могу построить международный бизнес в Интернете с Вами в центре. Вы должны быть в состоянии написать в разговорном стиле, и иметь как минимум 20 минут, чтобы посвятить в день, чтобы деятельность в Интернете.
В свою очередь я поделюсь всей прибыли, полученной и моей системы будут доступны для вас.
Если вы готовы двигаться вперед, пожалуйста, нажмите на красную кнопку и ввести свои данные.




Tuesday, 19 February 2013

the secret to success within you. here's how to access it

Our lifestyle by design is such that we can take breaks, sometimes for weeks.
I was sitting on the quayside with Sue today when I asked her if she had ever been here before and she said yes and told me of her friend who had met her years before. The inspiring story
tory is below the photo of Sue.

I came here 3 years ago and met my friend SARAH. She had been moaning about her life and relationship status. After listening to her situation i said.

Sarah, you have been telling me the same story for the last 5 years.

The next time we met, she had turned her life around was pregnant with the child she had always wanted, moved to the house that she had always wanted and signed up to college which she had always wanted to do.

the inspiration i got from that story was that anyone can start on the road to their future rather than staying stuck.
the difference?
deciding then acting
if only more of us decided and acted on a daily basis to improve our lives and axhieve our goals

Saturday, 16 February 2013

22 pages of Twitter Money Making Power

My quest for the ultimate twitter e-book is on (link below)

Towards the end of last year, Marion, Dave and myself attended Steve Clarke's social media class on how to build your business using Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.

As you can see from my stats page this year month on month I've been getting 1000 hits per month and growing.

Graph of Blogger page views
Graph showing number of visitors to my blog.

My main challenge was putting all that wonderful knowledge together and sharing with my growing team.
So, if you are wondering how I manage to grow my business and my visitors online
then this Twitter book will be an ideal resource. BUT only if you are willing to follow the steps and link it with your blog.

Twitter Basics for Internet Marketers

Price: $ 9.99

How To Use Twitter In Your Online BusinessLet's face it, Twitter has EXPLODED just lately. Internet marketers and offline companies alike have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon left, right and center - and they can see the massive business potential it provides.

Inside you'll discover:What Twitter is
Why it's so great for internet marketersHow to get started in record timeProfile tweaks that will increase your profitsHow to generate your first 100 or so followers in record timeThe difference between followers and REAL followersHow to sell using TwitterThe costly mistakes you MUST avoidMaking Tweets - the right wayHow to build relationships with your followersHow to maximize your success - the easy way... and much, much more.This 22 page PDF ebook comes with Master Resell Rights.
And for members of Mark N Hopgood's Team Of Amazing People you will also get a mini website allowing you to re-sell the book to your team.


Thursday, 14 February 2013

making every minute count - to your benefit

Yesterday I spent 4 hours in my private university.
I was listening to Bob Proctor on creating what you want in life. I was really motivated and fired up afterwards, so I took action.

Now this is how I see the world, an opportunity. Those 4 hours to some people could have been seen as a miserable time stuck in traffic on the way to appointments, but because I have loaded up my AMI ( my car stereo ) with all the motivational and personal development material possible, I get more and more fired up about my business. And here's what's more important I use that energy to help my team.

As a result of the information I got from listening to the personal development I put together my blog post and as a result of it got an extra 100 people to look at my business opportunity.

Now the post I put together benefits my team because they can re-use the content in their blog. At the end of the article is a special website link that connects with their Team Of Amazing People "Lead Capture Page" anyone in TOAP can re-use the article in their blog. All they have to do is one simple edit.

At the end of the post, there is a link to my "Lead Capture Page"


All they have to do to make sure they get all the leads generated is change the word "Lazy" to their unique LCP code. For example Wojciech's code is "22wojtas". His link at the end of the post would be.


If you don't already have a money making blog and "LCP" please download the free e-book by clicking the red button on the right. If you are willing, once you have read through, follow the steps.

Here's to your success.

Mark N Hopgood

p.s. here's the link to the original article. Feel free to resuse in your blog.

here's how Wojciech re-used the post. Genius!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

How Empower Network Caused disruption to MLM

A commonly asked question is "how to I get MLM to work for me?"

This article discusses limitations of current approaches in MLM and Empower and how to address them and move forward to true success.

David Wood and David Wood's friend play the failure card when it comes to pitching. Their approach is to encourage people to join because they themselves and you too have failed to create true wealth in the past. They tug at the heart strings. Then you join to realise that all you are doing is re-promoting their system. Yes you get resell rights at 100% profits, but you and every one of your downline is paying them $$s per month to promote their business.

This is one of the main limitations of not mlm but the approach taken by many people promoting the next best thing. Really the next best thing is what I will describe in the following steps to success.

Building a business online is a lot like building a house.
As a Network Marketing professional based in UK, I get lots of people internationally pitching me on the newest brightest opportunities. People that appear to be very excited. Then I discover months or years later that they have quit. There is one blindingly obvious limitation to their approach.


If you have ever had the misfortune of being "thrown up on" by someone pitching mlm, then please for heavens sakes send them the link to this article.

The long term opportunity in business is to have the proper foundations in place or a sustainable system that can be used by everyone from the start.

Empower caused a nice amount of distraction and disruption to MLM because it got a lot of people to lose focus by pretending that the 100% comissions was a great deal.

It enabled Dave and Dave to promote their business, but left many people not knowing what the H*LL to do!

The only answer is to have personal mentors and a truly duplicable system that can be used by anyone - truly "plug and play".

One such system is used by Team Of Amazing People. http://invite4you.com/lazy
Click the link or red button on the right to start your journey to success.